2025 CEO Connect + Inman Connect New York



Join Brad Inman and 200 of the industry’s most influential leaders at CEO Connect, Inman’s invitation-only event for C-suite executives. Join us on Wednesday, January 22nd 2025.

This event always sells out. Reserve your spot as soon as possible.

NOTE: You must be registered for Inman Connect New York in order to attend CEO Connect. Register on this page to register for both at the same time.

If you already registered for ICNY, click here to add on CEO Connect.


By registering for Inman Connect, you acknowledge and agree to the following policies. Policies are subject to change as conditions warrant.

As of June 22, 2022

Cancellation Policy

Any and all payments made to Inman are not refundable for any reason, including, but not limited to, in the event of illness of participants, unforeseen events or circumstances out of the reasonable control of Inman, the attendee or any other party, changes or modifications to the schedule, presenters, or events related to a conference, acts of God, travel-related problems, acts of terrorism, loss of employment and/or duplicate purchases.

You may cancel your registration by notifying us in writing at customerservice@inman.com. If your notice of cancellation is received by us more than 4 weeks prior to the ticketed conference, you may transfer your registration to the next Inman Connect event for no fee. If your notice of cancellation is received less than 4 weeks but more than 1 week before a ticketed conference, you may transfer your registration to the next Inman Connect event for a $150 administrative fee. If your notice of cancellation is received 1 week or less before a ticketed conference, your registration fee is forfeited to Inman as liquidated damages for the cancellation.

Transfer Policy

You may transfer your conference registration to another individual for the same event you are registered for by notifying us in writing at customerservice@inman.com. All substitution requests will be processed within two business days. Attendee substitutions on or after the start of the event will require a $150 fee.

Force Majeure

If an event beyond Inman’s reasonable control occurs that in Inman’s sole discretion would make conducting the Inman conference impracticable, illegal, or impossible (including, but not limited to, an act of God, war, strike or labor disturbance, terrorist attack, extreme weather event, curtailment of transportation or travel either in the event city or in the countries/states of origin of the attendees or epidemic, pandemic or any consequence thereof), Inman may cancel the event. The sole and exclusive remedy for such cancellation by Inman shall be the offer of a credit for a future Inman conference in the amount of the paid registration fee.

Privacy Policy

Inman may share registration information with event sponsors. For more information please see our privacy policy.

Code of Conduct

Inman is committed to creating a safe and inclusive experience for our readers, customers and attendees, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race or religion. We do not tolerate harassment in any form. All communication — including at the event and various associated venues, as well as online — should be appropriate for a professional audience, including people of many different backgrounds and experiences. Be kind to others. Do not insult or put down other attendees. Act professionally. Remember that harassment and sexist, racist or exclusionary jokes are not appropriate at any time at any Inman event or online setting. Anyone violating these rules may be asked to leave the conference or online forum without a refund at the sole discretion of the Inman staff. If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is or have any concerns, please contact an Inman staff team member immediately. Thank you for helping make Inman welcoming, friendly places for all to share new ideas, learn and connect.

Equal Access

Inman strives to provide equal access to its events to all who wish to attend, except when to do so would present a direct threat to the attendee or others. Interested attendees should contact customerservice@inman.com with questions about Inman’s equal access policy.

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