What Lady Gaga taught me about real estate clients
Everyone has their quirks — for Lady Gaga it's wearing meat dresses, and for your clients, it's something else. Either way, everyone deserves a chance to be heard before they're judged
by Jay Thompson Jan 30
Cherry-picking by hand
Make the ask, provide resources to make it easier for the reviewer, and bake reviews into your business plan
by Jay Thompson Jan 23
Stop calling them leads — they’re people
Rather than banging people over the head with your needs, try prospecting with the mindset of reaching out to others and offering availability, assistance and professionalism
by Jay Thompson Jan 16
Will there be a new top dog iBuyer? And other 2019 predictions
Here's my 2019 outlook, based on what I read, things I know, people I’ve talked to and complete whimsy
by Jay Thompson Jan 2
Why deception is no way to win clients
Buying awards you didn't earn, pretending to dial the wrong number and using typos to sound more human are no way to build a business
by Jay Thompson Dec 19
Why we need to take agent safety seriously
We can’t just talk about doing things differently, it’s time to take action
by Jay Thompson Dec 12
Here's what agents around the world care about most: helping people
If you remember to treat a fellow human as you’d like to be treated, then you have the key to success
by Jay Thompson Dec 5
Why dual agency should never happen
How do consumers win with limited representation and an agent who can’t advocate on their behalf?
by Jay Thompson Nov 28
Should real estate agents block negative people on social media?
Ridding your feed of toxicity can be helpful and turn that sometimes dusky Facebook experience into something more useful
by Jay Thompson Nov 21
Don’t let shiny objects distract you from your value prop
Remember, it’s about your buyer and seller clients — not you
by Jay Thompson Nov 14
Why Zillow is right to boot underperforming Premier Agents
If you provide superior customer service, you have nothing to worry about
by Jay Thompson Nov 7
The internet never forgets: Think before you post
Real estate pros who make foolhardy decisions take a hit in the reputation department
by Jay Thompson Oct 31
Is it the end of the world for real estate agents? Hardly
Disintermediation is only truly a problem if you just provide basic services
by Jay Thompson Oct 24
Learn from those you loathe: A call for civility in real estate
Open yourself to how others think, and you just might find yourself growing in ways you never thought possible
by Jay Thompson Oct 17
Where Jay Thompson's right about iBuyers plus my 2 cents
Don't misread Jay's last article into a too-comfortable, nothing-will-change, lullaby of pretty lies
by Robert Hahn Oct 15