Fannie Mae sees rates on 30-year loans at 4 percent by end of year
Hard money loan's costs, terms often more onerous than conventional mortgages
Move helps pave the way for sharing risk with investors
As plans for Fannie and Freddie take shape, role of government still subject to debate
Bill would guard against abrupt privatization or nationalization
Fannie Mae sees rates on 30-year loans headed back above 4 percent this year
Lender says fast closings can help keep deals from falling through
Most MLSs don't include 'green fields' in data input forms
Wells Fargo, Chase are nation's biggest mortgage lenders
Backers say bill would cut costs for homeowners, boost economy
Commentary: Watch for legislation aimed at scaling FHA back to irrelevance
Commentary: Agreement on the real story of the meltdown needed to restore credit
New guidelines take effect March 1
Private mortgage insurers taking back market share from FHA