Judge denies stay order after plaintiffs argue against NAR deal
Attorneys for the plaintiffs in a case now known as Moratis stress that NAR's proposed settlement won't stop 'a key element of the antitrust conspiracy' and might take years to go into effect
by Andrea V. Brambila Jun 24
DOJ inquiry delays settlement-related document rollout at CAR
The California Association of Realtors postponed the release of 21 forms this week after receiving feedback from members — and an inquiry from the US Department of Justice
by Jim Dalrymple II Jun 21
'Not warranted': DOJ pushes back against NAR rehearing request
The US Department of Justice on Monday argued NAR 'does not identify any errors of law or fact meriting panel rehearing' over whether the antitrust enforcer can reopen its probe into NAR rules
Mark your calendars: DOJ set to weigh in on multiple antitrust cases
The antitrust enforcer has until June 20 and 21 to give its take on three real estate-related cases and potentially influence upcoming commission changes
by Andrea V. Brambila Jun 18
Proposed DOJ ban on commission offers against the law, MLS says
MLS PIN on Monday urged a district court to reject the Department of Justice's arguments against a settlement with homeseller plaintiffs in the Nosalek antitrust commission case
by Andrea V. Brambila Jun 12
FBI raids Atlanta office of apartment operator Cortland
Investigators searched the company's office as part of an inquiry into alleged apartment price-fixing in the multifamily industry
by Ben Verde Jun 6
NAR says settlement 'eliminates' steering. Plaintiffs issue warning
Plaintiffs' lawyer Michael Ketchmark vowed legal action to enforce deal: 'Anyone who thinks they can send a few emails or bury their head in the sand and avoid the application of the law is wrong'
Will dual agency become common after NAR's settlement?
Some believe more buyers will come to the table without agents. That could lead to fertile breeding grounds for the polarizing practice sometimes known as 'double ending'
by Jim Dalrymple II Jun 4
DOJ sends signal to industry in first commission comment since March
Statements made by a DOJ attorney during a May 21 status hearing in the Nosalek commission case offer new insights into the Justice Department's impression of the proposed NAR settlement
by Taylor Anderson May 22
Will lawsuits end 6% commissions? Probably not, 1 law professor says
A provision in NAR's settlement barring listing agents from offering buyer agents compensation is 'largely symbolic,' USC professor Jordan Barry said Friday at a University of Minnesota conference
by Jim Dalrymple II Apr 15
DOJ can reopen its investigation into NAR, appeals court rules
In another loss for the National Association of Realtors, the court ruled the US Department of Justice can reopen its investigation into rules around commission sharing
by Taylor Anderson Apr 5
Moehrl attorney: Market shift after NAR settlement 'will take time'
Robby Braun, partner at Cohen Milstein Sellers & Toll, addresses 'misconceptions' about the NAR deal's impact and says Realtors who try to ignore the changes 'will get left behind'
by Andrea V. Brambila Mar 25
MLS PIN, Nosalek plaintiffs seek to delay DOJ response after NAR deal
They asked the court for more time to analyze the impact on their proposed settlement of NAR's proposed rule change banning the MLS display of commissions offered to buyer brokers
by Andrea V. Brambila Mar 21
An anticipated settlement still shocks the real estate industry
Proposed settlement represents 'nothing short of a sea change' for Realtors as NAR agrees to pay $418M and make sweeping changes
Defendant, plaintiffs in Nosalek commission case unite against DOJ
Defendant MLS PIN and plaintiffs Jennifer Nosalek, Randy Hirschorn and Tracey Hirschorn asked a district court judge for permission to respond to a statement of interest the DOJ filed in the case
by Andrea V. Brambila Feb 28