Agent/broker perspective: Who should brokers back when teams break up?
Brokers should have all newly formed teams and partnerships prepare a detailed and exhaustive contingency plan for all possibilities and situations, including the eventual dissolution of the partnership
by Anthony Askowitz Jan 21
Agent/broker perspective: Should political opinions be kept off social media?
There are many common-sense strategies agents can use to separate their personal social media accounts from their business accounts
by Anthony Askowitz Oct 22
Agent/broker perspective: How to help agents avoid burning out
It’s normal for successful agents to plateau and get bored. Brokers should prepare a wide range of suggestions based on the weary agent’s unique personality and concerns
by Anthony Askowitz Jun 18
Agent/broker perspective: How to handle a beloved broker leaving
Broker transitions are handled best in cases where office owners are consistently present and trustworthy
by Anthony Askowitz May 21
Agent/broker perspective: Can agents challenge their brokerage’s philanthropic pursuits?
Brokerages should support local charities, but if agents are asked to commit financially, they should have a say. One way to avoid problems is to have several charities agents can choose from
by Anthony Askowitz Apr 16
Agent/broker perspective: Is mandatory CE still necessary?
Brokers can help their agents by encouraging the pursuit of interesting and creative continuing education courses
by Anthony Askowitz Mar 19
Agent/broker perspective: Should this established agent pair up with a millennial?
Great partnerships often develop when agents have complementary skills and talents, rather than overlapping ones, even if both are highly successful
by Anthony Askowitz Feb 19
Agent/broker perspective: Are you showing favoritism at company parties?
It's nice for brokerages to celebrate birthdays at monthly get-togethers, but it's important to be inclusive
by Anthony Askowitz Jan 15
Agent/broker perspective: Should you recruit your top producer’s competition?
It's always tempting to hire a hot agent from another company, but brokers need to be very careful when that agent competes directly with an existing top producer already in their office
by Anthony Askowitz Dec 18
Agent/broker perspective: Should you tell your sphere you're ill?
Here's one way to handle this very important and personal decision
by Anthony Askowitz Nov 20
Agent/broker perspective: When is a real estate office too 'top heavy'?
Transitions can be challenging even under the best of circumstances, but here's how to handle a situation where agents feel their opinions aren't as valued as they should be
by Anthony Askowitz Oct 16
Agent/broker perspective: How to nail seller pricing from the start
Agents should insist on setting the best price before agreeing to terms with sellers and 'cut bait' when the advice on pricing goes ignored for too long
by Anthony Askowitz Sep 17
Agent/broker perspective: How to keep your commission intact
Sometimes smart real estate customers feel more entitled to reduced commissions from their real estate agents, but agents can hold firm by educating buyers and sellers
by Anthony Askowitz Aug 21
Agent/broker perspective: How to keep sales steady during a summer slowdown
There are plenty of strategies agents and brokers can put in place to ensure steady streams of business
by Anthony Askowitz Jul 17
Agent/broker perspective: What can brokers do to improve agent safety?
Brokers should create an atmosphere where safety is the top priority and reinforced with frequent reminders and qualified training
by Anthony Askowitz Jun 19