Have you got your ticket for Real Estate Connect San Francisco 2009 yet? Only one more day till the price goes up!
This will be the fifth Connect conference that I’ve been been part of and I’m proud of having been able to contribute to the program over the years.
But more importantly, Connect is something that I personally look forward to attending every summer. It’s a great place to meet up with all my friends in the industry and catch up; but I also get a ton out the conversations that spin out of the conference.
Here are 3 things that I’m personally really stoked about seeing this summer’s Connect:
- The Keynote address by Zappos’ COO Alfred Lin;
- The revival of the ConnectTech Workshop;
- Connect Create – The first-ever online real estate developers challenge. 72 hours to build a killer real estate app.
I’m also speaking this year again on a panel called How the Amazon Kindle Will Change Your Business
on Thursday, August 6 at 2:00 pm. So I hope to see you there!
Full disclosure: Real Estate Connect conference is produced by Inman News, which owns the Future of Real Estate Marketing blog.