[php function=1] If 20% of the people who walked up to your store saw a closed sign you would take it down quickly.
Why then are we as an industry reacting so slowly when it comes to creating a rich mobile experience for our web visitors?
Cost? Maybe, I have seen high priced options, but also MANY that are affordable.
Knowledge? It is really hard to attend a conference or read a tech blog right now where there is not a MAJOR emphasis on getting mobile.
Options? Many times there are MLS compatibility issues at play which creates segmented choices by market location.
RECake looks poised to pick up a lot of users in this growing vertical.
They have designed a no nonsense, listing centric app that seems to have all the right buttons in all the right places.
I spoke with Kelly Mitchell of RECake.com about what they have built and more importantly the problem that it solves for real estate agents.
Impressed? I was.
Any questions for Kelly or the RECake team feel free to leave those below.
Can’t see the video, click here.