Moo is one of my very favorite online printing companies. In fact, the first time I went to Inman’s Real Estate Connect (see Help Plan My Trip to Inman Connect NYC) I carried with me in my pocket a handful of Moo’s MiniCards with me that had my blog URL and contact information on it.
For those of you who have moo’vd your marketing yet, Moo (which is based in London) creates brilliant printed products that can pipe in photo feeds from your Flickr or Facebook account so every single card can have a unique image on it.
For this reason, it makes Moo uniquely useful to the real estate agent. And they’ve just released a new product that their aiming directly at agents too – full-size business cards.
Using Moo’s “PrintFinity” technology, you could be printing business cards for a new listing that has a different picture on every card with the property information on the back. Imagine blowing your seller’s mind when you show up with a box of these for them to pass out.
Alternatively, you could create a series of business cards that have all the listings you’ve ever sold on the backs of the cards, along with your contact info.
The other nice thing is that Moo lets you do very small print runs (of only 50 cards) – which makes sense for a single listing – as you end up having a lot less waste and a run can be updated if there’s a price change. 50 cards costs only $21.99 and you can choose to get the cards in 100% ‘Green’ card stock (recyleable and biodegradeable) too.