Niche marketing, or target marketing, has been around for quite some time. Typically in real estate we tend to think of niches as buyers, sellers, luxury homes and more. But, in today’s new real estate market there have arisen new and exciting opportunities for carving different niches in real estate. Social media, technology, use of mobile, and the after-effects of our economic downturn, have affected consumers and the industry alike.
Join me for a FREE webinar on Thursday, Sept. 19 from 10-11 AM Pacific time, as we take an hour to delve into:
- What do consumers demand in the new real estate market?
- How can you be the first to reach consumers with their needs and wants with niche marketing?
- What questions help you define what niche might be right for you?
- The newest trends in niches that you might love
- What top things do you need to consider to have a successful niche?
Bring your tablets, iPads or pen and paper as we look at how other agents and brokers are successfully building businesses with niche marketing! How does this translate with their digital marketing efforts? Learn some new tips and tricks to speak the right language and attract your niche clients. We have three panelists who will be joining in the conversation as well.
Register Today!!!
Bring your questions … and be prepared to answer our poll: Neesh OR Nich! We will be recording this webinar and making it available for playback, but register to get your seat!
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