Guest post by Jeremy Blanton
This past week I had the pleasure of joining a great lineup of speakers at Agent Reboot in Charlotte. Many of these people like Daniel Rothamel, Chris Smith, Heather Elias & Sherry Chris I call good friends. This being my first Agent Reboot, I did not exactly know what to expect. I figured there would be some good content shared to help real estate agents grow their business. I was definitely not disappointed.
As a social media speaker who has traveled the country speaking to thousands on how to use technology, I must admit that I was very impressed by the Agent Reboot event. Many times I go to these events they are unorganized and have 90 minute sessions where you lose your focus within the first twenty-five minutes. The 10-25 minute sessions keep the event moving along quickly and give you plenty of information on a full spectrum of topics. Time between sessions is also at a minimum. There was never a long lull between presenters to bore you. Also, the quality of the speakers and the content they were providing was top notch.
One of the big takeaways that I brought home from this event was something that Darin Persinger mentioned during his session on QR codes. At first I thought of it as a big joke, but as I reflected on what he said, I believe he may be onto something. Darin drew a very good analogy between technology & Star Trek. What he said was that the new technology we see today was originally used back on Star Trek. In essence, Star Trek were the pioneers to current technology. The point he made is that you NEVER saw them use a QR code. So, do you think they will ever become mainstream? That I will leave up to you to decide.
My other favorite session of the day was Sherry Chris sharing on lifestyle branding. She shared on how consumers connect with a brand now is different than the way they did years ago. We in the real estate industry must begin to recognize these changes and be willing to adapt as needed to connect with new potential clients. We need to become the Harley Davidson of real estate. It is a brand known by the world and recognized by many. In fact she said it is the most branded tattoo in the world! Anyone want to get inked?
Overall, I really enjoyed the rapid fire of sessions with great content continuously flowing. Before I knew it, we had reached the wrap-up with Daniel and the event had come to a close which was a nice change from some of the events I attend. There have been many times I sit there wondering, when will this reach the end.
So if an Agent Reboot comes near your town, I would highly recommend attending. The amount of information shared to help your real estate business is second to none. Many of the agents I talked to in attendance at lunch had already felt they received their moneyʼs worth out of the $49 investment they made to the potential in front of them. They were excited how the things they learned would lead to so many future business opportunities.
But, donʼt take just my word on it, take a look at what others thought of Agent Reboot Charlotte:
For me, I enjoyed this event so much that I decided I was going to attend the next one in Atlanta. I hope to see many of you there!
About the author: Jeremy Blanton is the co-founder of 210 Consulting- Social Media Advisors. They help individuals understand how to use social media platforms to increase their business and also build custom WordPress sites.