In October of 2012, became part of my everyday world. We have seen amazing growth in the publication with a shift in our editorial strategy. When the shininess of social media settled, when everyone had a smartphone firmly planted in their hands, when agents went back to work in the recovering market, we realized that that the depth and breadth of real estate went far beyond technology and social media. We embraced this from a content perspective and have been digging deeper into thoughtful, outside-of-the box strategies that covered tried and true real estate methods, to new and emerging technologies and best practices that have been made even better.
We’ve captured the fun of real estate, #Realtorproblems, the urgency in agent safety, the wild what if’s of the Zulia merger, and we have educated thousands of agents with real estate webinars that cover emerging tech and services for our industry.
Today, I am happy to report that has grown more than 165 percent in social traffic in one year; we reach 4 million a month via our social networks; we have 1.3 million email subscribers, and a record number of friends and followers have amplified your voice. With that I’d like to announce our campaign to invite more new voices: New writers, new bloggers, new vloggers in real estate to add your voice to our growing community.
We invite you to become an Contributor.
Your voice is one that we respect. We’re curious about your opinions, the advice you’d give your younger self and the innovative ideas that keep you up at night. When the real estate industry listens, it’s listening for you. Make no mistake: As an Inman contributing writer, your voice will be heard. It’s your turn to make a difference, become a thought leader, make someone laugh, and have an opportunity to inspire an industry. What would you say?
Don’t wait another minute to join us. The industry needs you, and wants you. Let’s see what we can do together!