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Social Media marketing is not going so well for the real estate industry.
It feels a lot more media than social.
Understanding the right platform to be on, and knowing how to update your status on Facebook are no longer enough to compete.
During this Facebook Marketing class (which unfortunately was cut off at the 32 minute mark) I covered:
Why Groups are the new Page and why you should have already started several.
Push vs. Pull tactics and strategies and why notifications are critical to this process.
The ticker is your friend I promise. I show how you can do A LOT of networking quickly thanks to Facebook’s new feature.
Do you know what Subscribe is and how profoundly it affects what your people see on Facebook from you?
What is the best time of day to post?
What content drives the most “likes” and engagement?
Is your brand effectively reaching your target audience?
Search? Ads? Tagging? Open Rates?
It can all be overwhelming.
This class will help it all slow down a bit.
Special thanks to our sponsor HomeFinder who has some great options for single property websites.
If you have any questions after or while watching let me know below.
If you pick up a few new strategies from the video all I ask is that you share the link on Facebook and Twitter!
Links referenced during the class:
Facebook Changes Webinar
Facebook Posting Cheat Sheet
Facebook Timeline Disaster
Twitter and Blogging Webinar Registration
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