Persistent wage disparities and pandemic-induced familial stressors pushed single millennial women out of homeownership with rates dropping near the all-time low of 19.4%, Zillow says
by Marian McPherson Mar 24
The search behemoth far and away led market share for search portals, drawing 44% of all real estate web traffic, but CoStar's leaped by bounds last month, according to an analysis
by Ben Verde Mar 24
Byron Lazine and Nicole White discuss Josh Altman's view of California's proposed mansion tax, the tug-of-war between millennials and boomers, and the pain Zillow's CEO sees on the horizon
by Byron Lazine Mar 24
The team closed the priciest sale in Orange County last year at $55M and was named the No. 1 large team in the 2023 Ellie Awards. Terms of the multi-year contract were not disclosed
by Lillian Dickerson Mar 24
Wondering what you missed? Find out with Inman's Top 5 most-read stories of the week
by Christy Murdock Mar 24
The company financially and operationally covers all repairs, equipment purchases, tenant communications and transactions without requiring to ownership approval
by Craig C. Rowe Mar 24
Never wonder whether you shut the garage door or locked the front door. With, you can check in on a property remotely from anywhere in the world with an internet connection
by Brandon Doyle Mar 24
If writing a book seems like an impossible task, just know that it’s not. In the final part of this series, we look at how to write, what to write about and who can help make it more manageable
by Christy Murdock Mar 24
There are 12 brand archetypes based on common themes, personality traits and marketing niches. Take our quiz to find out which one looks most like you
by Rachael Hite Mar 24
Not sure where you should be posting online? Here's a hint: Follow your target audience
by Jessi Healey Mar 24
Getting featured in the media can be a game changer because in addition to creating exposure, it also helps you become a recognized authority in your market
by Jeremy Knauff Mar 24
Jarret Willis, a Black agent who worked at the Hamptons-based luxury brokerage, was smeared by epithets, including 'Jafar' in reference to the 'Aladdin' Disney movie, a white colleague claims
by Lillian Dickerson Mar 23
Dating to the late 1700s, the estate known as Kirkwood Farm features 5 historic farmhouses, 2 barns and a springhouse. This marks the 1st time it has been on the market in over 90 years
by Lillian Dickerson Mar 23
In its inaugural sustainability report on Wednesday, Redfin shared its efforts to improve housing access, equity and sustainability alongside corporate diversity and inclusion
by Marian McPherson Mar 23
Sales of newly built single-family homes rose 1.1% in February while the average sale price climbed to just under $500K, according to data released Thursday by the US Census Bureau
by Ben Verde Mar 23