Vermont residential real estate highlights, home prices, and rental data from Zillow:
Vermont median listing prices and median price-per-square-foot for all home types:
- All homes: $235,000 at $139/SF.
- Single-family residential homes: $239,900 at $135/SF
- Condos: $205,000 at $153/SF
- Duplex and Triplex units: $199,000 at $65/SF
- 1-Bedroom homes: currently an undisclosed amount at $153/SF
- 2-Bedroom homes: $164,850 at $141/SF
- 3-Bedroom homes: $249,000 at $136/SF
- 4-Bedroom homes: $325,000 at $135/SF
- 5+ Bedroom homes: $395,000 at $118/SF
Vermont median sales prices and price-per-square-foot:
- All homes: $235,685 at $165/SF
- Single-family residential: $163/SF
Vermont homes sold for a gain or loss:
- 5.7% of all listings had a price reduction this month with a median price cut of 5.6% (approximately $10,000)
- 6.0% of all single-family residential home listings had a price reduction this month with a median price cut of 5.7% (approximately $10,000)
- 4.3% of all condo listings had a price reduction this month with a median price cut of 4.7% (approximately $9,750)
3.5% of all homes in Vermont sold in the past 12 months.
The ZHVI (Zillow Home Value Index) dropped by -0.4% over the past year, to $218,300.
Note: If any of the data is currently undisclosed, that is because the local jurisdictions currently do not share that data.
Discover more Vermont real estate news here or check out additional Zillow data such as Maine, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts.