Advice from an industry expert
Inspirational thoughts from Leigh Brown on growing in real estate
Cutting the cord is just as important as getting leads
Advice from an industry expert
Advice from an industry expert
Agents roll up their sleeves in Charlotte for a day of community service work
Being aware of how the consumer views your presence can enhance your business
Leigh Brown preaches on asking the right questions
Leigh Brown talks about slowing down in this busy business
Leigh Brown shares thoughts on mentoring
Things that set me apart might not be everyone's favorite
How you can shift to meet clients where they are
What to do when your routine is disrupted (or you need a disruption in your routine)
They've helped provoke thoughts and shape perspectives
Don't let distraction derail your attention
Some words can sting, but not this one
Where there's smoke, there's probably fire
Everyday items leveraged in unusual ways
How the 'compound effect' applies to your life and your work