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rDigz is a free listings portal developed for listing agents by listing agents
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Here’s why we believe increasing customer satisfaction requires full consumer transparency
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LEOPARD is a group of producers across brokerage lines working together for change
Like baseball's greatest ever star Ted Williams, agents need to analyze and practice
Brokers need to focus more on providing excellent value and service to both consumers and agents to survive
At the start of the decade few people even had a smartphone, now you can complete most of the homebuying process on one.
It’s not uncommon to hear some team members ask what they need to do to go it alone. And that question makes sense
Teams have taken advantage of marketing directly to consumers and now appear to have more influence in the living room, where brokers once ruled
Use your experience and knowledge to help clients sell their homes for more money
Why the internet gives buyer's more control and brokers less influence
Potential homebuyers are doing the heavy lifting when it comes to finding a home