Popular CRM rolls out bots for Facebook Messenger and Slack
Company pushes gift cards that brand purchase receipts as ways to stay in front of homeowners
Chime is moving fast to meet the needs of tech-driven agencies
A wide selection of features and hands-on customer service make the company stand out
Software prevents buyers from sharing unnecessary financial information with encrypted certificate
Tool in beta will officially launch in 2017 to help agents capture clients
After a couple weeks away from the office, the real estate tech world continues to turn without me
Don't just Google a potential new client -- "Spokeo" them with the company's new business services
Tool makes lead management a breeze -- and leaves out everything that gets in the way
Catalog styles, photograph striking features and tag designs that catch your eye
Email is not a good way to manage projects -- Hiver hopes to change that
Postcard campaign builder makes custom prospect list delivery fast and affordable
Lead generation tool uses an affordable territory bidding system for agents to compete and cooperate
Value beyond passive marketing information is key
Emojis taking over your emails? Agents should aim for clarity and professionalism in their business exchanges
Software now features in-app video email and texting, including video autoresponders and drip campaigns
Agent-developed platform integrates mortgage applications, virtual team-building and agent ranking
A few big players have new ways for agents to reach customers
Real estate marketing and CRM platform introduces new way for agents to reach past clients
The platform lacks visual sophistication but excels in ease of use and functionality