Unconfirmed reports point to $7M purchase
Metro area's population has risen 41.8% in past decade
Users can set up email shortcuts to real estate agents
Double-digit declines in median sales price, new listings
Tools streamline marketing campaigns on Facebook and Twitter
Executive profile: Pam O'Connor
Executive profile: Harold Crye
IRED founder remembered as passionate, gutsy
Hitwise: Traffic from social media sites jumps 61% year-over-year
Dead and missing exceed 20,000
Executive profiles: Dave Liniger and Margaret Kelly
ValueAppeal says about 25% of homes are over-assessed
An Inman News Special Report
An Inman News Special Report
An Inman News Special Report
An Inman News Special Report
Property Hub model revolves around virtual operations, low overhead
Founder will reveal changes to blog March 1
Search giant's move seen as part of larger trend for online portals
Photo quality, quantity and presentation matters, say panelists