Landlord Genetta Hull filed eviction papers in September alleging that Dolton Mayor Tiffany Henyard and her roommate, Kamal Woods, owe more than $3,350 in rent and late fees on her property.

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Government leaders are expected to uphold the rule of law, but one landlord in Dolton, Illinois, a village just outside of Chicago, has had to enlist a judge for assistance in serving the town’s mayor eviction papers amidst missed rent payments.

The residential landlord and homeowner, Genetta Hull, filed eviction papers in September alleging that Dolton Mayor Tiffany Henyard and Kamal Woods, both of whom live in the home on Harvard Street, owe more than $3,350 in rent and late fees on the property.

During a hearing in which Hull appeared by Zoom, she said her tenants have “been elusive” and that she has not been able to get into the home to inspect it, The Chicago Tribune reported. When she went to the property on Saturday to take a look, she found that the locks and garage door code had been changed.

Cook County Circuit Judge Carrie Hamilton suggested Hull contact the village for assistance with getting into the home, since she also wants to have maintenance done on the furnace, apparently unaware of Henyard and Woods’ roles in the local government. (Woods is also an employee of Thornton Township.)

“Do you know who these people are? Do you know who these defendants are?” Hull asked.

Henyard and Woods did not make an appearance in court, nor did an attorney attend the hearing on their behalf.

Cook County sheriff’s police have made efforts to serve papers to Henyard and Woods at their home and place of work, the Dolton Village Hall, but have not been successful.

Chicago-based attorney Beau Brindley, who is representing Henyard on other matters, said previously that “no proof of missed payment can be produced as no payment has ever been missed.” Brindley told the Tribune that he is not representing Henyard in any eviction case.

Henyard and Woods have been paying rent on a month-to-month basis since their lease expired in May 2023, according to court filings.

The pair have also been named in subpoenas served at Thornton Township High School District 205. Woods is supervisor of the township’s youth assistance program, and a recent subpoena has requested records of state grant money received for the program.

Following refusals to allow Hull to inspect the property, the landlord is terminating Henyard and Woods’ lease for nonrenewal and nonpayment of rent, according to court filings.

Her title and salary suggest that Henyard should not be hurting to pay the rent. For her role as mayor, her salary should be $46,000, and for her role as Thornton Township supervisor, her salary is $224,000, the Tribune reported.

A W-2 statement provided by the town shows that Henyard was paid about $62,000 in wages by the village last year.

The average rent for a two-bedroom property in Dolton is $1,400, according to Zillow.

Henyard’s penchant for changing locks seems to extend beyond her rental home. Complaints have come from Dolton trustees in recent months regarding multiple lock changes at Village Hall under Henyard’s orders, the Tribune reported.

Email Lillian Dickerson

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