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Hurricane Helene tore up the East Coast last week, wreaking havoc and, in its wake, leaving many without running water and at least 1 million without electricity, according to PowerOutage.us.

The death toll had risen to more than 175 across six states by Wednesday, and President Biden deployed 1,000 active-duty troops to assist with aid in the affected region. Those troops will join more than 6,000 National Guard members and 4,800 federal aid workers who are already working at recovery across the Southeast.

A full recovery from the massive storm will take a long time, and officials are still assessing the extent of the damage. President Biden said on Tuesday that he expects rebuilding to cost billions.

Several real estate brokerages are sending funds and supplies to help with recovery, including KW Cares, Keller Williams’ nonprofit arm that serves KW agents and their families during a crisis, which has sent more than 450 generators to agents in North and South Carolina and about 25 to those in Florida. The nonprofit has also given out 50 grants to help with lodging, food and health needs of agents who have been impacted, Real Estate News reported.

KW Cares is also collecting donations on its website. RE/MAX and Anywhere also have opened disaster relief websites where individuals can donate.

Individuals who are interested in donating funds or supplies or in volunteering should review the following list of resources.


Salvation Army

American Red Cross


KW Cares

RE/MAX Relief Fund

Anywhere Disaster Relief Fund

North Central Jersey Association of Realtors

North Carolina

North Carolina Disaster Relief Fund

North Carolina Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster

Buncombe County (Asheville region)

Samaritan’s Purse (Boone)

Operation Airdrop (Concord)

NAR Realtor Relief Fund

  • NC Realtors has filed a request for housing-related assistance from the Realtors Relief Foundation. You can contribute, too, by texting HeleneRelief24 to 71777 or visit RRF.realtor


Jeff Cook Real Estate LPT Realty

Premier Sotheby’s International Realty

One Community Real Estate

  • This Concord, North Carolina, based firm is accepting financial and supplies donations directly as well as through an Amazon Wish List, to send to communities in need in western North Carolina


Florida Disaster Fund


Send Relief

Email Lillian Dickerson

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