It’s up to you to make your own luck and find opportunities where others won’t look. Jimmy Burgess offers strategies both old and new that are poised to work now.

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The ever-changing market demands we continuously adapt the strategies we use to generate leads and, ultimately, transactions. Today, we’re looking at a combination of innovative new strategies along with tried-and-true classics that need to be remembered.

These are the 11 strategies I see that are primed and positioned for success in the coming year.

1. Become a builder’s best friend

Builders building spec homes represent a unique client base that can generate multiple listing opportunities each year. The key is to provide unique value in a way that positions you for the opportunity to earn their business.

The first step in this process is to identify one of the biggest pain points builders have: finding lots to build on. The second step is to find an area where builders are actively building spec homes.

Homes that are under construction have permit boxes out front. Inside the permit box, it will list the builder name, and it will often include contact information for the builder. The call to the builder should go something like this:

Builder scenario 1

This is [Your Name] with [Your Company]. I saw you are building a home at [address]. Is that home a custom-built home for someone or is it a spec home you’re building?

If the builder says custom-built home:

It looks like it is going to be an amazing home. Do you build any spec homes?

If the builder answers yes:

Great, I focus part of my business on finding lots for builders. Are there any specific areas or price points for lots that you might have an interest in if I find one that meets your criteria?

Builder gives criteria:

Thanks, when I find lots like these, should I call you directly or do you have an agent you work with exclusively?

Builder says you can call me:

Thanks, the only request I would make is that when I find you a lot that works, I would request the opportunity to interview to be the listing agent on the home.

Then, research and call owners of lots meeting the builder’s criteria with the following script:

My name is [Your Name] with [Your Company]. I am working with a builder who is looking to buy lots like the one you own at [location]. Have you considered selling that lot?

Builder scenario 2

This is [Your Name] with [Your Company]. I saw you are building a home at [address]. Is that home a custom-built home for someone, or is it a spec home you’re building?

If the builder says it is a spec home:

Great! I work with several buyers that are looking in this area. Do you have an agent that you are working with on this home or are you the person I should call if my buyers request additional details?

If the builder says to call the agent:

Perfect. One of the areas I focus on in my business is finding lots for spec homes for builders. Do you have any specific types of lots or areas you would be interested in if I find some meeting your criteria?

After the builder gives criteria:

If I find one of those lots, should I call that agent or call you directly?

If the builder says you can call me directly with details on lots you find:

Great, the only request I would make is that when I find a lot that works for you, I would request the opportunity to interview to be the listing agent on that home. Sound fair?

If the builder answered that you should call him for details on the spec home, then he is telling you he doesn’t have a listing agent selected and that should cue you to expand the conversation by providing value in a way that leads to a listing opportunity.

2. Become the go-to agent for off-market opportunities

We constantly hear that we need to differentiate ourselves to be able to secure clients in the current market environment. One of the best ways to do so is to find and share details about off-market opportunities for buyers.

If you don’t have off-market homes you are aware of, network with the other agents you know. Ask them if they have any homes you could help them sell that aren’t currently listed.

Share these homes with buyers in your database or on social media. When you become known as the agent with access to off-market homes, your opportunities for more transactions will increase.

3. Use Instagram green screen videos for coming soon listings

Instagram green screen videos offer a unique way to attract attention for your coming soon listings and to find new buyer prospects. If you are not aware of how to record an Instagram green screen video, search on YouTube for videos to show you how or check here to get started.

The first step is to screenshot a map of the area where your coming soon listing will be located. Then record your video with the photo of the map in the background behind you. The script for the video should go something like the following:

We have a new listing coming to market soon in this area (point and circle an area on the map behind you). I can’t share all the details until we take it live in the MLS, but if you or someone you know might have an interest in a four-bedroom, three-bath home in this area, please share this Reel with them or DM me to receive the details as soon as I can make them available.

4. Create searchable YouTube content

People scroll on social media mindlessly, but they search YouTube for specific information. This includes buyers and sellers of real estate. The following are a few titles that are working well right now:

  • Moving to [Your City]? Everything You Need to Know in 2025
  • Most Popular Neighborhoods in [Your City], Pros and Cons of Each
  • 7 Things People Moving to [Your City] Need to Know Before Buying a Home

5. Systematize a deal of the week offer

Whether it is an email to your database or a highlighted home on social media, providing information about specific buying opportunities will create more buying and selling conversations.

Consistency is key. Choosing a specific day of the week and time that the property is highlighted will increase the effectiveness of this strategy. Emails should contain a specific subject line, and if posting on social media, this should be the first line of the post or reel each week.

Here are a few examples:

  • [Your City] Real Estate Deal of the Week
  • Friday Find
  • My Midweek Real Estate Deal of the Week

6. Target 6- to 12-month-old expired listings

As the market continues to normalize, expired listings are becoming more commonplace. Yes, there are opportunities for agents who target expired listings, but the competition for these listings is fierce in the days following the expiration. An area often overlooked is the expired listings from six to twelve months ago that did not relist.

The process for identifying these opportunities starts in the MLS. Search for expired listings with expiration dates six to twelve months ago. Then check the history of the listing to make sure it has not been relisted, sold, or is currently under contract for sale.

A call to these homeowners should include a script like this:

This is [Your Name] with [Your Company]. I saw you had your home for sale six months ago, and it doesn’t appear to be for sale now. Do you plan to sell the home or stay put for a while?

Once they answer this question, you can begin your normal process of building rapport, adding value, and ultimately earning the right to ask for their business.

7. Implement marketable moment circle prospecting

Every real estate activity creates a marketable moment. Hosting an open house? Call the surrounding neighbors to make them aware of it.

Have a new listing? Call the neighbors to make them aware of it before it goes live to see if they have a friend or family member who might be interested in being their neighbor.

Did you recently sell a home? Call the neighbors to share the details and how that sale will affect the value of their home.

The key is to provide information and to utilize this call to begin a conversation with them. If their home or their situation doesn’t come up, this is a line that opens the dialog for seeing if they might be considering selling soon:

I’d be the worst Realtor in the world if I didn’t at least ask if there is a price at which you might consider selling your home?

8. Master geographical farming

Geographical farming continues to be the best strategy I am aware of for creating a consistent flow of listing opportunities. If you want to take a deep dive on how to identify, market to, and dominate a specific neighborhood or geographical area, check out this article.

9. Consistently host open houses

Buyers and sellers rarely walk into real estate offices anymore. They search online and they attend open houses. If you’re looking for the best way to get face-to-face with people considering buying or selling real estate, host more open houses.

10. Host a first-time homebuyer seminar

Affordability challenges have caused many first-time homebuyer prospects to give up on their dream of home ownership. As rates have stabilized and price appreciation has slowed, affordability is trending in the right direction.

One of the best ways to service these prospective buyers is to partner with a local lender and credit repair person to host an event explaining the process for homeownership. Offer to share specific loan programs that can make homeownership a reality for them. Give them the opportunity to get prequalified for a mortgage or to develop a plan to be able to purchase in the future.

Building a pipeline of current and future buyer clients through hosting these seminars is another way to generate additional transactions in the coming year.

11. Unsolicited video CMAs

The thing that homeowners are most curious about is the value of their home. Providing them with a video CMA that explains how you arrive at the value estimation is a unique way to provide value and generate listing opportunities.

I did one of these every day that I worked for a three-month period, and it generated over $11 million in listings. Do not miss out on all the listings you can generate using this strategy.

If you’d like more details on exactly how I identified the owners, put together the CMAs, and how I distributed them in a way via email that generated over 90 percent view rates, check out this article.

Somebody is going to have their best year ever in the coming year. Why not you? Act on one or more of these strategies now, and your business will grow.

Jimmy Burgess is a real estate agent and national team builder with Real Brokerage in northwest Florida, servicing the 30A, Destin, and Panama City Beach markets. Connect with him on Instagram and LinkedIn.

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