Multifamily investor Patrick Carroll was arrested in Wyoming this week due to a warrant issued for aggravated stalking charges in Florida. The investor was recently in Massachusetts for mental health treatment.

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Multifamily investor Patrick Carroll’s legal woes have escalated after he was arrested in Wyoming on a warrant related to an aggravated stalking charge from earlier this summer. The Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office issued the warrant; however, it’s still unknown if or when Carroll will be extradited to Florida.

The Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office, the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office, and Carroll’s attorney are refusing to comment on the investor’s arrest, according to a Thursday morning report from The Real Deal

Carroll has spent the past two years in and out of court for multiple assault, harassment, stalking, driving under the influence (DUI), weapons possession and evasion charges.

The investor’s troubles escalated last year when a viral video showed him spitting in the face of Miami restaurant manager Miguel Angel Weill, who’d just asked Carroll to stop harassing a female diner. Carroll initially denied spitting on Weill but later apologized for the incident. Weill subsequently filed a suit against Carroll for defamation and emotional distress.

Carroll made headlines again in July after leading Los Angeles Department officers on a freeway car chase, after Carroll was suspected of driving under the influence. The investor eventually abandoned his car and ran down a nearby embankment; however, he was quickly caught and arrested. Carroll bonded out for $75,000 and was later charged with evading a police officer and carrying a loaded firearm.

After bonding out on July 3, Carroll stayed in Los Angeles to receive mental health and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) treatment at the Recovery Management Agency in Beverly Hills. However, after an Aug. 5 court hearing to waive his right to be present for future court dates, Carroll announced on Instagram that he’d moved to a treatment facility in Massachusetts.

Subsequent social media posts focused on Carroll’s progress, noting that “mental health struggles are not a sign of weakness” and that it takes “real strength” to accept and deal with his addiction issues. Carroll’s last post on Oct. 16 teased the launch of a coaching and mentorship platform for burgeoning investors.

“My journey has been full of growth and learning, and I’m thrilled about launching new ventures focused on success and giving back to the community,” he said. “Mentoring the next generation and continuing to support impactful causes are key goals for me as I move forward. Success is all about uplifting others along the way.”

Last year, Carroll sold Carroll Organization for $80 million to RMR Group. As part of the transaction, he relinquished his equity in the company he founded in 2004 and severed all ties.

Email Marian McPherson

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