Looking for a quick catch-up on the buzziest stories of the week? Here’s Inman Top 5, the most essential stories, according to Inman readers.

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Looking for a quick catch-up on the buzziest stories of the week? Here’s Inman Top 5, the most essential stories, according to Inman readers.

And don’t miss The Download, our weekly column that breaks down one of the top stories of the week and equips you with what you’ll need to meet next Monday head-on.

EXp agrees to pay $34M to settle antitrust commission lawsuits

Glenn Sanford speaks at Inman Connect New York in 2019. | Photo credit: Kyle Espeleta/Inman

The brokerage was the third-largest by sales volume in 2022 and one of a relative few holdouts who had yet to settle lawsuits targeting the old status quo for real estate commissions.

Reffkin: Restrictive NAR and MLS rules eliminate seller choice

Compass founder and CEO Robert Reffkin writes that Clear Cooperation and mandatory disclosures undermine seller choice and put them at risk of the unintended consequences of a mass exposure of property details.

Clear Cooperation: Challenges and solutions for agents

While it has its critics, according to former Realtor Oscar Mazaba, thoughtful modifications could ensure that the policy works as it’s intended to while preserving client choice.

Ending Clear Cooperation is a win for big brokers — and no one else

According to Redfin CEO Glenn Kelman, big brokerages have a vested interest in getting rid of Clear Cooperation, even at the expense of agents and consumers.

NextHome CEO James Dwiggins takes on Clear Cooperation critics

NextHome and Canva

In a LinkedIn post Tuesday, Dwiggins claimed brokerage leaders fighting to repeal the pocket listing rule are concealing an agenda to hoard listings, recruit agents and generate internal leads.


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