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Pulse is a recurring column where we ask for readers’ takes on varying topics in a weekly survey and report back with our findings.

The National Association of Realtors has found itself in the throes of drama for several years now, especially over the past year and a half. From leadership scandals to lawsuits, it’s been a tough time to work at NAR — and a tough time to be a Realtor.

Now, questions about Clear Cooperation are in the air, the trade group is seeking to define and enhance its legal strategy moving forward, there are still buyer-side commission lawsuits and a Department of Justice investigation, all under the aegis of a new CEO.


Out of all of these challenges (and more), we want to know which one(s) you see as the biggest obstacle NAR is facing. Do you think the organization can claw its way out of its current troubles, or will groups like AREA grab market share? Does NAR’s governmental function make it practically irreplaceable, or has the time come for an alternative? Do you see real estate pros decentralizing their representation or adopting a system that’s more local? Let us know below:

We’ll compile a list of the top responses and post them on Inman next Tuesday.

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