The entrepreneur and founder of Inman Group gets why people don’t want to stand out. But there’s also risk in letting dreams go unfulfilled, he told the audience at an Inman real estate conference in Austin.

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Brad Inman understands the urge to fit in — whether it be in fashion, in business or in other areas of modern life. 

He just thinks it’s bad advice.

The understandable desire to fly under the radar can also stifle creativity, Inman warned. And perhaps more importantly, it can prevent real estate professionals from taking the bold steps that are needed in order to pursue their dreams.

The entrepreneur and founder of Inman Group made the case for an unapologetic embrace of one’s unique goals and passions on Wednesday at an Inman real estate conference in Austin.

“All this is scary and risky, to be a little different,” Inman told the audience. “But the result is you get freedom — not just success, but freedom.”

In real estate, agents and brokers come in a wide variety of temperaments and styles, with unique strengths and weaknesses. For this reason, one might expect them to naturally stand out from each other.

Yet at different stages of their careers, real estate professionals often feel drawn to implement the same systems and the same work flows in service of goals laid out by other people rather than themselves, Inman said.

“When we do that, we push down what’s distinctive and unique about us, which we naturally are,” he said. “Why? We want to fit in, we’re risk-averse, we’re in fear of looking different. We’re in fear of looking the least bit original.”

It’s often said that when people on their deathbeds look back on their lives, they regret spending so much time on work instead of with family and friends. But Inman at least partly pushed back against that notion, arguing that regret can also stem from looking back on life and realizing that one’s lifelong dreams went unfulfilled.

Inman shared stories of people he had met over the years — some well known, others complete strangers to him — who embodied the principles of setting out on one’s own path.

In the world of real estate, those names included Gary Keller, co-founder of Keller Williams; Sherry Chris, who recently retired from her longtime executive role with Anywhere; Homeward CEO Tim Heyl; and Ojo co-founder CEO John Berkowitz.

It’s an approach that has reaped rewards for these trailblazing figures, Inman argued. And it’s one that is more fulfilling for others in the industry as well, he said.

“Your business gets better,” Inman said, “and one thing I can guarantee you: You’re gonna have more authentic relationships when you are who you really are.”

Email Daniel Houston

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