Learn more about this Texas real estate leader, his passion for building connections, and how he extends his service-minded approach to the consumers and clients he serves.

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A life of service has taught Romeo Manzanilla how to “motivate others to come together and accomplish great things.” Having served as a U.S. naval officer during the Iraq War and in an ambassadorial capacity in the early 1990s, he has followed service to his country with service to the industry. Manzanilla has been actively involved on Realtor boards at the local, state and national levels.

That penchant for building a “collaborative and supportive culture” has been “the key to attracting top agents in the markets we serve,” he said. Learn more about this Texas real estate leader, his passion for building connections, and how he extends his service-minded approach to the consumers and clients he serves.

Broker Spotlight: Romeo Manzanilla

Name: Romeo Manzanilla

Title: COO, principal and broker

Experience: 18 years in real estate

Location: Dallas-Fort Worth and Austin, Texas

Brokerage name: @properties Lone Star Christie’s International Real Estate

Team size: 210 agents statewide

Sales volume: On track to close $750 million between the DFW and Austin markets

Awards: Dallas Morning News — Best Place to Work

What do you wish more people knew about working in real estate? 

Networking with industry colleagues is just as vital as prospecting for new clients. These connections are often the key to getting deals done.

What’s something you know now that you wish you knew when you started? 

Concentrate on developing a clear, efficient and effective process that is repeatable and adaptable to market shifts.

What’s your top prediction for the future? 

With the recent NAR changes emphasizing transparency in compensation and the value Realtors bring to a transaction, the difference between professional, market-savvy agents and part-time, uninformed discount agents will become increasingly evident to consumers. Clients will continue to pay for services as long as they recognize the value.

What’s your top tip for freshly licensed brokers? 

You must be the expert. Your clients should never be more informed about the market than you are. Continuously seek opportunities to learn and ensure you stay in tune with market trends.

What makes a good leader? 

Great leaders inspire others not only to achieve their goals but to create opportunities that pave the way for the success of others.

Know someone who should be featured in an upcoming Broker Spotlight? Nominations, please, to brokeredge@inman.com.

Email Christy Murdock

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