
Ryan Serhant on ‘Owning Manhattan’, bold moves, branding

Owning Manhattan. Ryan Serhant in episode 103 of Owning Manhattan. Credit: Courtesy of Netflix/© 2024 Netflix, Inc.

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Ryan Serhant is no stranger to the spotlight. As the star of Million Dollar Listing New York and now the mastermind behind his own Netflix show, Owning Manhattan, Serhant has built a real estate empire that’s as much about branding as it is about closing deals. 

In this exclusive interview, Serhant shares the strategies that have propelled him to the top of the Manhattan real estate landscape, offering insights into how he has cultivated a winning brand in one of the most competitive markets in the world. 

From reality TV to reality check

Serhant’s journey from cast member on Million Dollar Listing to creator and producer of his own Netflix series put him in the driver’s seat, with full creative control to shape the narrative. 

Owning Manhattan. Ryan Serhant in episode 103 of Owning Manhattan. Credit: Courtesy of Netflix / 2024 Netflix, Inc.

“I wanted full control over how the story of our company was told, which is why I became a producer. The original title was House of Serhant because we have Serhant houses instead of normal offices in key markets. It was going to be about what goes on inside that world — what would happen if Million Dollar Listing, Vanderpump Rules and Succession had a baby,” Serhant said. 

Recognizing the need for broader appeal, Serhant made the strategic decision to rename the show Owning Manhattan, acknowledging that while Serhant is a household name in the U.S., the name still needs to gain traction internationally.

The pressure to perform: Building a brand under the spotlight

Transitioning to his own show was not without its pressures. The stakes were high — not just for his personal brand but for the reputation of his entire company. 

“If you’re a great leader, the world will know. If you’re a bad leader, the world’s going to know,” he said. This mentality drove Serhant to solidify his role as a CEO, ensuring that every aspect of his business reflected the high standards his brand represents. 

“I had to step up and be the CEO the world expects me to be. Every deal, every interaction on the show, reflects on our brand. It’s not just about selling; it’s about how we sell and how we manage the business,” Serhant said.

Selecting agents for the show 

Serhant chose agents who were not only top sellers, but he also prioritized ethics and diversity, which are central to the brand’s identity.

Owning Manhattan. Ryan Serhant in episode 103 of Owning Manhattan. Credit: Courtesy of Netflix / 2024 Netflix, Inc.

 “New York is a melting pot of the most intellectually curious and hardworking salespeople on the planet. The diversity of our firm enhances our ability to connect with a broad range of clients and makes our stories richer and more relatable,” Serhant noted.

“This isn’t a show about appearances; it’s about real agents doing real deals in one of the most competitive markets in the world.”

The impact on the SERHANT. brand

The show’s impact on the SERHANT. brand has been profound. Serhant shared that in July alone, the company gained over 1.1 million new followers across its social media accounts, and lead flow increased by more than 1,000 percent. 

“Interestingly, the impact has been even more significant in markets outside New York. In cities like Orlando, Tampa and Raleigh, the show has made our brand a household name almost overnight,” Serhant said. This widespread recognition is a testament to the power of media in scaling a business — winning major developments and benefiting from the exposure’s impact on agent recruitment. 

Social media: The new real estate

Social media is crucial in maintaining and growing Serhant’s brand. He leverages platforms like Instagram, YouTube and TikTok to maintain a constant connection with his audience. 

“If Netflix is the largest distribution network, social media is the most immediate. It allows us to stay top-of-mind and engage with our audience in ways never before possible,” he said. 

Unlike traditional media, which can take months or years to develop, social media offers real-time control, allowing him to promote a property within minutes of having an idea. He adds that the company’s use of social media makes sure his brand is relevant and his properties and agents remain visible to potential clients worldwide. 

Lessons from the show

Despite the show’s success, the journey was not without its challenges. Serhant recalls moments of intense pressure, such as losing a major deal right before a major company announcement of their third anniversary. 

Serhant shared, “There’s a quick moment when I got off the phone and hugged the wall, yet I knew I had to show up happy.” This raw, unfiltered moment resonated with viewers, particularly those in sales, who understood the pressure of maintaining a positive front even when things go wrong. 

Looking ahead 

Serhant is optimistic about the future of his show and his brand. “We’re expanding rapidly, with plans to reach 1,000 agents soon and venture into new markets across the country. We’re also rolling out S.MPLE, our new AI-driven back-office platform, which will revolutionize how our agents work. It’s like Instacart for real estate — it does all the administrative work for them, allowing them to focus on what they do best: selling.”  

Now that Netflix has picked the show up for a second season, Serhant is hoping to take it to the next level and notes, “Whether on TV or off, we’re going to keep growing, innovating and pushing the boundaries of what a real estate brand can be.”

The final period 

One of the most distinctive elements of the Serhant brand is the period at the end of its name — SERHANT. — which is a bold statement in branding. When asked about the rationale behind this, Serhant’s response is as definitive as the punctuation itself: “Because you don’t have to look for any other firm. You have SERHANT., period and stop, full statement.”  

This simple yet powerful branding decision encapsulates Serhant’s approach to business — confident, direct and definitive. 

In the competitive world of New York real estate, Serhant has proven that success requires more than just closing deals. It demands a strong, recognizable brand that is consistent, authentic and always evolving. Through his relentless drive and strategic approach, Serhant continues to set the standard for what it means to succeed in the world’s most challenging real estate market. Period.

Stacey Ross Cohen is CEO of Co-Communications, a branding expert and the author of Brand Up. Follow her on Instagram and LinkedIn.