It’s all about shifting your mindset, coaches Emily Bossert and Melanie Klein write. To create consistency, you need a plan for your business that defines who you are.

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How can real estate agents create steadiness and consistency in their business and personal lives amid constant change and unpredictability? We want to share one of the most important  (if not the most important) components of experiencing consistency in real estate.

Consistency in business is not just about mastering the market. It includes mastering yourself, honing your skills, fortifying your work ethic and delivering exceptional value to others.


Case study: Sarah

Let’s take Sarah as an example. Sarah is a real estate agent who struggled with the ups and downs of the market. She often found herself overwhelmed and feeling unsteady, which impacted both her business and personal life.

Can you relate? Because this story is all too common in real estate.

However, one day, Sarah chose a few key changes to implement. She decided to focus on her mindset, skillset, work ethic and the value she provided to her clients. These four simple and actionable steps, done consistently over time, allowed her to see a remarkable transformation, not only in her career but also in her overall well-being.

Step 1: Embrace change

Where to start? To create consistency in your business and life, start by checking and fine-tuning your mindset. Think of mindset as the foundation. A positive and resilient mindset is essential for navigating the challenges of the real estate industry and our lives. Research shows that a growth mindset leads to greater success and overall satisfaction.

Choose (yes, it’s a choice) to see challenges as opportunities for growth, and view setbacks as lessons instead of failures. The presence of our mindset, also known as mindfulness, helps us manage our stress and keeps us calm and focused.

A growth mindset encourages continuous learning and adaptability, all while laying the solid foundation for personal and professional success. Get your mindset right, and everything else will follow.

Step 2: Fortify your work ethic

The value of a strong work ethic cannot be overstated. Developing solid daily habits and avoiding procrastination is key. A consistent work ethic in the right areas will create increased success, building on the foundation of a healthy mindset and leading to even greater achievements in both your professional and personal life.

Plant and tend to the seeds consistently — whatever systems you follow, be consistent with them. Plant the seeds, don’t miss a beat, and build a strong foundation. By consistently following your tried-and-true systems and avoiding procrastination, these actions will compound over time, leading to significant business growth

Step 3: Sharpen your knowledge

Continuous improvement is vital in this fast-paced and ever-changing market. Stay updated with industry trends, learn new techniques, and enhance existing skills.

Here’s how you can do this:

  • Understand the form changes: Always stay informed about the latest changes in forms and regulations locally, regionally and nationally. Learn and internalize these updates to ensure accuracy and compliance.
  • Role-play conversations to gain confidence: Practice your conversations about all things real estate. This helps you become clear, prepared, competent and confident in your interactions with clients.
  • Get comfortable explaining all aspects of the contracts to your clients: Mastering your craft means being able to clearly educate and explain contracts. Being able to read legal documents and break down the language for buyers and sellers is a crucial skill.
  • Emphasize the energy and attitude you bring to conversations: Approach conversations with calm and reassuring energy, avoiding dramatics. Remember, your energy can significantly influence the situation and the client’s perception. If you make something out to be a major deal, it will become exactly that. 

Step 4: Deliver exceptional value

Providing exceptional value sets you apart in a competitive market. Inspired by Will Guidara’s book Unreasonable Hospitality: The Remarkable Power of Giving People More Than They Expect, we can see that delivering value is crucial in any industry.

Here’s how you can achieve this:

  • Provide value without expectation: Offer valuable insights and services without expecting immediate returns. Listen intently, and be genuine when you are helping clients. This is how we build that connection of trustworthiness and commitment. 
  • Think quality service and take exceptional care of clients: Go above and beyond to meet your client’s needs. Just like we see examples of this in the book Unreasonable Hospitality, outstanding care and attention will turn one-time clients into lifelong advocates.
  • Be a forward thinker and bold innovator: Think outside the box, and innovate in your approach. Stand out from the competition by continuously seeking new ways to add value and exceed expectations. This quality is truly special, and it allows your authentic self to get creative. 

What’s next for you?

Start with the foundation. Assess your current mindset, and make any necessary adjustments. Embrace change and see it as an opportunity for growth. Remember, consistency and steadiness in your actions will lead to long-term success.

Invest in skill-building activities, and commit to daily consistent actions. Focus on providing exceptional value to your clients. By living your life this way, you will create a more meaningful and fulfilling career and personal life.

Take these steps seriously, and you’ll build a strong, resilient foundation for consistent success in both your business and your life.

Melanie C. Klein, M.A. and Emily Bossert are highly sought-after coaches known for empowering individuals and teams to achieve their full potential and success.

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