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Pulse is a recurring column where we ask for readers’ takes on varying topics in a weekly survey and report back with our findings.

The heat is on, and a lot of people have gotten geared up, stressed out and hunkered down in preparation for the Aug. 17 deadline for the implementation of terms of NAR’s commission suit settlement. Now that the time has arrived, you’ve got your paperwork on point; your buyer and seller consultations polished; and your mindset elevated so that you can answer questions for colleagues, mentees and clients.


We know you’ve got big feelings, and we wanted to give you a place to vent anonymously, so we asked: Tell us what’s on your mind this week. Are there things you’re still confused about? Concerned about? Angry about? Is your broker a big help, and is your association a source of helpful information? Where are you getting clarity, and what are the sources of ongoing confusion? Here are your responses:

  • The general public always believes they can get a better deal if they go directly to the listing agent. Nobody has done anything to educate them otherwise. The new rules will have a profound effect on newer agents and people who are mostly Buyer agents.
  • I get it, except for unrepresented buyers. Need real-life examples of how to deal with them. Recent guidance says we shouldn’t DocuSign even?
  • My brokerage and my association have done a great job providing the training needed to set us up for success. My frustration is that I’m having my best year ever (unexpectedly) and have not had time to have conversations with the dozen or so buyers I’m working with who only see a few properties a year. The active buyers are covered. These other buyers, however, have never signed a buyer agency agreement and I need to reach out to them and explain that effective 8.17, I can no longer show them properties with a signed buyer agency agreement.
  • Fear
  • My source of frustration is the amount of negativity from my “professional” colleagues. We have made a change, accept it and move toward a new way to do business for many not all. The negativity, NAR bashing, MLS bashing needs to stop, and my colleagues need to buck up move forward and be the professionals we know we are!
  • I am very worried about negotiating my livelihood as I negotiate the sale price of the home! I can easily see how the buyer will come to me to “save money”…. I’ve already done a lot of the work, the buyers have chosen their forever home (or so they think), and during what is already a very emotional process, the buyer’s come to me when the seller counters their initial offer (one that I write on my client’s behalf), especially in a seller’s market. This whole process potentially pits me against my own client at the end of the day. I simply cannot understand how anyone finds that an acceptable process or outcome for a consumer!
  • We need to shed a million agents from the rosters.
  • I’ve got some big concerns about the direction our industry is heading, and honestly, I’m frustrated. These changes, like the decoupling of commissions and the increase in dual agency, aren’t serving the public or us agents well. It feels like we’re creating a landscape where consumers are more at risk of being underserved or even misled. I’m confused and concerned because these shifts don’t seem to benefit anyone in the long run. Instead, they make transactions more complicated, create potential conflicts of interest, and lower the quality of representation. The idea that these changes are somehow good for the public is misguided. What really gets to me is the narrative that all agents are the same and that a one-size-fits-all approach to commissions is fair. That’s just not true. Not every agent has the experience or expertise to handle complex transactions, yet the push towards standardization completely ignores these differences. It’s frustrating to see that instead of focusing on educating consumers, we’re pushing through broad changes that don’t address the real issues. And speaking of frustration, while some brokers are stepping up to guide their agents, there’s a serious lack of clear and consistent information from our associations. We’re all trying to navigate an industry that’s in flux, and we should be able to rely on these resources for leadership and guidance. Instead, there’s a disconnect, leaving many of us to figure things out on our own. The clarity I’m finding these days is coming from within — leaning on experience, critical thinking, and the shared knowledge of seasoned professionals who understand that our role isn’t just to close deals but to advocate for our clients’ best interests. I’m sharing this because I hope we can start a real conversation about the impacts of these changes and work toward solutions that actually benefit everyone involved. We owe it to our clients and ourselves to demand better.
  • NAR has thrown its 1.5+ million members under the bus. The only ones benefiting from this entire mess are the lawyers.
  • This is the perfect time for agents to unionize. We do have choices and do not have to work with buyers until a more acceptable settlement is reached.
  • Use of a step-by-step guideline detailing the new normal (policy changes) and helpful scripts for advisors new and old to speak to buyers on their value proposition, why an agency contract is mandatory now, and how you will be compensated if seller is not cooperating. Adding info into AOS stating seller assist to help with closing costs be it title, concessions and buyer broker commission.

Editor’s note: These responses were given anonymously and, therefore, are not attributed to anyone specifically. Responses were also edited for grammar and clarity. Inman doesn’t endorse any specific method and regulations may vary from state to state.

What did we miss? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below.

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