Christy Murdock shares essential phone etiquette tips to enhance client relationships and close more deals. Learn the do’s and don’ts, preparation strategies and follow-up techniques in her comprehensive guide.

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This post was updated Oct. 11, 2024.

Effective communication is more crucial than ever for building and maintaining client relationships, closing deals and establishing a professional reputation. Proper phone etiquette plays a significant role in an effective communication process. 

As a real estate agent, your phone manner can leave a lasting impression. It can help you develop — or lose — trust and influence how clients perceive you and your services. These essential phone etiquette tips will help you reach out with confidence.

Preparing for the call

Before making a call, it’s important to be well-prepared. Research the person or company you are calling to understand their background and needs. This can include reviewing client files, recent property listings in a neighborhood or any prior communications. For instance, if you are calling a buyer lead, familiarize yourself with their property preferences and budget.

  • Agenda setting: Have a clear purpose for the call. Outline the key points you want to discuss, such as property details, appointment scheduling or follow-up on a previous conversation.
  • Environment: Ensure you are in a quiet place with a good phone connection. Background noise can be distracting and unprofessional.

Beginning the call

How you start a call sets the tone for the entire conversation.

  • Greeting and introduction: Always start with a polite greeting and introduce yourself. For example, “Good morning, this is [your name] from [your real estate brokerage]. How are you today?” Then, actually listen to the response. You’ll pick up valuable insights into their mood, concerns and state of mind.
  • Identity confirmation: If this is the first time you’re reaching out, or the first time in a long while, confirm you are speaking with the correct person. You don’t want to discuss sensitive information or financial details with the wrong person.

During the call

Maintaining professionalism throughout the call is essential.

  • Active listening: Show that you are listening by using verbal indicators, like “I see” or “That makes sense.” Summarize key points to confirm understanding. For example, “So, you’re looking for a three-bedroom house in the downtown area, correct?”
  • Clear communication: Speak clearly and at a moderate pace. Avoid industry jargon unless you are certain the other person understands it. For example, instead of saying, “The cap rate on this property is 5 percent,” you might say, “The projected return on this property is 5 percent per year.”
  • Professional tone: Maintain a friendly yet professional tone. Avoid slang and overly casual language unless you know the other person well. For example, instead of saying, “Hey, what’s up?” use, “Hello, how can I assist you today?”
  • Handling difficult situations: Stay calm and composed if the conversation becomes challenging. Use phrases like, “I understand your concerns” and, “Let’s find a solution together.”

Ending the call

Closing the call properly leaves a positive final impression.

  • Summarize key points: Recap the main points discussed and any agreed-upon action items. For example, “To confirm, I’ll email you the property listings by the end of the day, and we’ll schedule a viewing for next Tuesday between the hours of 2 and 5 p.m.”
  • Express gratitude: Thank the person for their time. For example, “Thank you for speaking with me today. I look forward to assisting you further.”
  • Proper closure: Close the conversation politely, such as, “Goodbye” or, “Have a great day,” and wait for the other person to hang up first.

Following up

Following up after a call reinforces professionalism and reliability.

  • Follow-up email: Send a summary of the call, including any next steps or appointments. For example, “Thank you for our conversation today. As discussed, here are the property listings that match your criteria. Please let me know your availability for a viewing.”
  • Timeliness: Ensure the follow-up is timely, ideally within 24 hours.

Common phone etiquette mistakes to avoid

Being aware of common phone etiquette mistakes can help you avoid them.

  • Interrupting the caller: Let the other person finish speaking before you respond. Interruptions can seem rude and dismissive.
  • Background noise: Make sure there are no distracting noises in your environment. For example, avoid taking calls in a noisy café or while driving.
  • Unclear communication: Avoid mumbling or speaking too quickly. Clear and concise communication is key to professionalism.

Virtual calls (Zoom, Skype, Teams, FaceTime)

With the near-ubiquity of virtual meetings, it’s important to adapt phone etiquette to video calls.

  • Stable connection and good lighting: Ensure your internet connection is stable and your face is well-lit. Poor lighting and connectivity issues can distract from the conversation.
  • Mute when not speaking: To avoid background noise, mute yourself when you’re not speaking.
  • Professional background: Use a neutral background or a professional virtual background. Try to avoid distractions in the background like a spinning ceiling fan or the light from a window.
  • Backup plan: Know what you’ll do if your power or WiFi signal goes out. If you were planning to share a presentation, have a PDF of your graphics or shoot a quick video and send it via text or email instead. Be sure to follow up to see if there are any questions or concerns.

Good phone etiquette is vital for real estate agents looking to build strong professional relationships and provide excellent customer service. Proper preparation, professionalism and follow-up can leave a lasting positive impression on clients and colleagues alike. Implement these tips to enhance your communication skills and succeed during every conversation.

Christy Murdock is a writer, coach and consultant and the owner of Writing Real Estate. Connect with Writing Real Estate on Instagram and subscribe to the weekly roundup, The Ketchup.

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