By approaching change with a positive, growth mindset and intentionality, coaches Emily Bossert and Melanie Klein write, you’ll be ready for whatever comes next in business and life.

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Who do you become in the face of change?

What do you do when faced with changes in your life and business?

Here’s the truth, many of the real estate entrepreneurs we work with set goals to create a change in their business with a desired outcome. Sometimes, those changes are external to you and the goals you outlined in your business planner for the year. 

Voluntary, self-identified goals may relate to team building, creating new expectations and processes, or mapping out a plan to create an increase in your average price point or overall sales volume.

Right now, we’re coming up against big external circumstances and involuntary changes such as market shifts, rising interest rates or, of course, the implementation of operational changes as part of the commission lawsuit settlement, coming up on Aug. 17.

Either type of change pushes us to pivot in the ways we do business and communicate to prospective clients. One thing is certain and clear — change is inevitable

Not only is it inevitable, but change offers us endless opportunities to do better, be better and have businesses that perform better. However, many people are unwilling to contend with the changes required on their end to reach their goals, such as expanding their skill set and training or creating new boundaries or procedures.

The idea that you can create a macro change in your business or your life without many micro changes along the way isn’t realistic. Those sea change moments that many people seek are built upon a whole host of smaller changes.

To paraphrase mystery novelist Rita Mae Brown, we can’t do the same thing over and over and expect different results. Different results require different ways of thinking, different actions and different strategies. In short, it requires change.

Too often, change makes people uncomfortable, sometimes nervous, many times scared. Change can feel overwhelming, if not a bit daunting. As a result, many of us resist change, and cling to the familiar — even if we’ve outgrown our current circumstances and relationships (or they no longer serve us). We may resist change, even if it’s tied to a larger goal or intention.

In real estate as in life, growth and change are not just inevitable; they are essential for success. Ask the most sustainably successful agents in the business and you’ll find they are constantly evolving, adapting and leveling up in their businesses and personal lives.

In fact, they welcome change knowing change is the pathway forward to new levels of fulfillment, prosperity and purpose. Research supports the fact that adaptability and flexibility to change are key traits in successful (and happy) humans.

Growth and evolution are core ingredients of success and they require us to step out of our comfort zones, confront our fears and embrace the possibilities that change brings. Instead of viewing change with trepidation or resistance, create a new relationship with change, one in which change is recognized as a gateway to realizing your full potential in life and business, to fulfill those big goals.

By reframing your relationships and approach, you can more easily embrace change as a positive force in your life, opening yourself up to new opportunities, experiences and growth. Instead of fearing and resisting change, you can consciously and actively choose to embrace it as a catalyst for transformation, progress and reaching (and even surpassing) your goals.

How can you set yourself up to be more welcoming of growth and change?

Develop a growth mindset

Our beliefs and thought patterns shape our reality and influence our actions. Shifting our mindset to one of growth, abundance, and possibility is crucial for navigating the challenges and seizing the opportunities that come our way in the real estate industry.

A growth mindset is one that is dynamic, flexible and makes the most of challenges by recognizing them as opportunities. It’s a surefire way to create a new relationship with the challenges that change often delivers along the way to success.

Ask yourself

  • What beliefs or thought patterns do I need to shift to support my growth and success in real estate?
  • Am I willing to view challenges and changes as opportunities for self-improvement, learning and forward momentum?

Check your circle of influence

The people we surround ourselves with have a significant impact on our mindset, behavior, and ultimately, our success. Jim Rohn stated that we’re the average of the five people we spend the most time with.

Surrounding ourselves with supportive individuals who share our values and aspirations is essential for staying motivated, inspired, and focused on our goals. 

Ask yourself

  • Do the people I share time and space with believe in me and my goals?
  • Do I feel supported by them? 
  • Do they seek growth in their own lives and businesses?
  • Do we have shared values and goals?
  • Do I feel energized and motivated after being in their company?
  • Do I feel stressed or drained after spending time with them?
  • What changes do I need to make in my social circle to align with my vision for success? 

Check in on your systems, procedures, processes

Systems, procedures and processes are the backbone of a successful real estate business. They provide the necessary structure to operate smoothly and sustainably with consistency and efficiency. While most can agree that this is true, it’s common for many to resist creating reliable and effective systems in the first place. Even more resist changing these systems and cling to outdated methods that may no longer serve them.

Specifically, consider the impact of new commission settlement requirements and the necessity to adapt to these changes. Embrace new methods of working, enhance communication strategies with clients, and invest in relevant training to stay ahead in the industry.

Ask yourself

  • Which systems, procedures and processes are currently working well in my business?
  • Which ones are outdated or ineffective and need to be updated or replaced?
  • Am I resisting changes in my systems and procedures due to the fear of the unknown?
  • Am I willing to complete the necessary training and education to evolve and grow?
  • How can I implement new ways of working, communicating with clients, and incorporating ongoing training and education to improve my business operations?

Evaluate your habits and routines

Our habits and behaviors cumulatively shape our daily routines and ultimately determine our long-term success. Identifying and cultivating positive habits that align with our goals and values is essential for personal and professional growth in real estate and in life. Often, our habits and behaviors are so taken for granted, we lose sight of all the small details that add up to big results, positively or negatively.

Ask yourself

  • What habits or behaviors are holding me back from reaching my full potential?
  • What new habits do I need to cultivate to support my personal and professional development?
  • Are my habits and behaviors in alignment with and a reflection of a resilient growth mindset?

To make positive changes in the way we think about and react to the world, our mindset, the company we keep and the ways in which we move through the world in the day-to-day requires us to tap into our awareness and identify the areas where change is needed. To do so requires honest self-reflection and a willingness to step outside of our comfort zones.

Whether it’s shifting our mindset, surrounding ourselves with supportive individuals, creating a conducive environment for growth or adopting new habits, every change we make reflects a willingness to create change, embrace change and not be afraid of change.

This new relationship with the change required by our goals brings us closer to the vision of success we seek to create and experience.

As real estate professionals, your journey toward personal and professional fulfillment is paved with opportunities for growth and change.

Ask yourself

  • How will you meet those changes?
  • In what ways do you imagine your life and business flourishing as a result of creating a new relationship with change?
  • Does the idea of embracing change and exploring new possibilities energize you?

By approaching change with positivity, asking yourself the right questions and taking intentional action, you can create a life and career that brings you joy, fulfillment, and a sense of purpose and prosperity. This is true success.

Melanie C. Klein, M.A. and Emily Bossert are highly sought-after coaches known for empowering individuals and teams to achieve their full potential and success.

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