Business intelligence and mortgage CRM platform’s expanded services follow $19 million Series A funding round led by PeakSpan Capital in April.

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Three months after announcing a $19 million Series A funding round, mortgage CRM platform Aidium is rolling out a 24/7 customer support service to provide around-the-clock phone, email and chat support to mortgage professionals.

Founded in 2019 as Daily AI, Aidium rebranded last year to better align its Whiteboard CRM and brands under a single umbrella.

The company says its customer relationship management (CRM) solution is tailor-made for mortgages, with integrated sales and marketing automation helping lenders convert leads and manage referrals while also providing data warehousing and business intelligence and reporting.

Spencer Dusebout

“Our customers use Aidium at all hours — nights, weekends, even holidays — so we had to offer support whenever needed, with real people ready to take phone calls and respond to messages,” Aidium CEO Spencer Dusebout said in a statement.

Aidium said it would use its Series A funding round, led by PeakSpan Capital to “enhance its platform, expand its customer base, and strengthen its position as a leader” in mortgage technology.

Kyle Reitinger

“Despite the challenging mortgage environment in 2022 and 2023, the business has been able to meaningfully scale revenue and roll out powerful new data products to further enhance its value proposition,” PeakSpan Vice President Kyle Reitinger said in April. Reitinger also serves on Aidium’s board of directors.

Aidium’s competitors include Jungo, which claims to be the first mortgage CRM solution built on top of Salesforce, and Big Purple Dot, which has integrated ChatGPT into its CRM platform and offers a recruiting tool to help lenders identify their competitors’ most productive loan officers.

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