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Looking for a quick catch-up on the buzziest stories of the week? Here’s Inman Top 5, the most essential stories, according to Inman readers.

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Meet the companies offering commission-sharing workarounds

NAR’s landmark settlement bars sellers’ agents from offering commissions to buyers’ agents in the MLS. A batch of new companies are stepping in to fill the void.

Judge denies stay order after plaintiffs argue against NAR deal

A. and I. Kruk /

Attorneys for the plaintiffs in a case now known as Moratis stress that NAR’s proposed settlement won’t stop “a key element of the antitrust conspiracy” and might take years to go into effect.

Anxiety over commission lawsuits looms over agent recruitment fight

Industry leaders see the lawsuits as one of the top recruiting challenges of 2024, according to Intel survey results. But the brokers who target and elevate middle-tier agents have an opportunity.

DOJ urges court to overturn judgment in REX v. Zillow

Credit: Bloomberg Creative / Getty Images

“The judge’s decision created a loophole that could allow associations to sidestep antitrust scrutiny by cloaking restrictive rules as optional,” the DOJ’s filing states. The brief may give REX a new leg up in its case.

24 innovative video content ideas for 2024 (with real-world examples)

Video is the best way to build a brand, connect with your ideal clients and generate quality leads, writes Jimmy Burgess. Get inspired by these proven, real-life examples from agents in the field.

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