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Looking for a quick catch-up on the buzziest stories of the week? Here’s Inman Top 5, the most essential stories, according to Inman readers.

And don’t miss The Download, our weekly column that breaks down one of the top stories of the week and equips you with what you’ll need to meet next Monday head-on.

‘Not warranted’: DOJ pushes back against NAR rehearing request

Law theme, mallet of judge, wooden gavel

The U.S. Department of Justice on Monday argued NAR “does not identify any errors of law or fact meriting panel rehearing” over whether the antitrust enforcer can reopen its probe into NAR rules.

Countdown as firms not covered by NAR settlement face tough choice

Brokerages and MLSs have until 11:59 p.m. CST Tuesday to opt in to deals resolving antitrust claims brought by sellers targeting commissions. Inman contacted 79 brokerages for their updates.

Andy Florance talks, the fallacy of ‘pure buyer agency’

CoStar Group founder and CEO Andy Florance shares the next chapter of’s $1 billion marketing push and the fallacy of “pure buyer agency” as portals recalibrate their strategies amid a coming commission crunch.

All eyes on the DOJ as commission calendar rolls on: The Download

As key milestones approach, the DOJ’s upcoming opinion on the commission lawsuit settlement is already drawing both attention and criticism.

Agents don’t expect a higher split. Brokers feel pressed to provide one

John Knill via Getty Images

Most real estate professionals expect commission splits at their brokerage to remain unchanged for a while longer. As for the rest, many have conflicting opinions on what kind of change is coming.

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