It’s up to you to advocate for a fiscally fit future for yourself, senior housing advisor Rachael Hite writes. Here are three women-run resources to help guide you.

Is your mind on your money, and your money on your mind? That’s what I’ve been adamantly advocating for women agents to do for the past few months. Why? It’s time to have a well-overdue conversation about women and wealth — how women are educated about building wealth, how to ask for equal pay, and how to best set yourself up for a secure retirement that has nothing to do with inherited generational wealth or spousal wealth transfer.

The truth is that it’s up to you to advocate for a fiscally fit future for yourself.

Instead of cutting coupons and trying to budget back on your organic coffee habit, it’s time to focus on bringing in more income, building network connections to get business referrals, and learning to invest so that your income is always working in the background to build and protect your future.


Below, we’ll look at resources where women can find role models, mentors and a support network of experts who are invested in your financial future.

Real Estate Wealth for Women

Women must become students of finance and lean on savvy professionals who provide excellent resources and advice about how to save money, increase revenue, invest and create multiple income streams.

It would be an understatement to say that the past few years have challenged our country and our industry in ways that no one could have ever imagined. From the pandemic, scandals, lawsuits, policy changes, and record-high interest rates both agents and consumers are exhausted and the housing market is more unaffordable than ever.

Bernice Ross, one of Inman’s top contributors, has created a website dedicated to helping women become homeowners, strengthen their finances, and become financially educated in ways that will build lifelong success and security.

On her site, Real Estate Wealth for Women, Ross shares hours of video interviews and written resources on everything from buying a first home to saving for retirement. This site is the result of years of research, conversations with top financial and tech experts, and her personal passion for sharing her success story and helping other women craft theirs. 

Ross knows that financial resources for women are limited, and she is enthusiastic about helping support and educate women to achieve their biggest and most ambitious dreams.

“When I look at what’s out there for women, there are a lot of guys out there [real estate investors], and almost everybody is pushing a product. The education side is who I am,” Bernice Ross said.

On her site, there are several avenues for education and examples of tools and products that allow women to start investing for as little as $10-$5,000. This means that anyone with any background can get started in investing in their future. For women with low income or without retirement savings, this could be a game changer.

While this site is still in beta beginnings, it’s one of the few dedicated spaces for women in real estate to seek assistance organizing their finances. These basics are also great for women consumers you are working with. And even if you are a broker, this could be a great resource to send your novice agents to for them to glean some ideas about business development for their five-year plan.

Red Threads Collective

Another new startup, Red Threads Collective, from a seasoned expert, introduces a holistic approach to finances, networking and searching for work-life balance. If traditional business development advice feels cold or even unrealistic, this nurture-driven networking and education platform may be just the place for you to check the “woo-woo” boxes that make thinking about crafting a life well lived more organic than a rigid business strategy.

Founder Debra Trappen, (formally of WomanUP!) has assembled a “Wise Counsel” of women who are experts in many different areas of mind, body, spirit, finance and personal wellness. This counsel is ready to battle against hustle culture and guide women into finding peace and prosperity in calm and healing spaces as they work on getting control of their lives instead of their lives controlling them.

In a recent podcast, Trappen described in detail why she moved to create this platform, why women need this option for business networking, and the benefits of leaning into the calm instead of the chaos that traditional business culture has pushed women into thinking is normal.


Hosting its annual conference this week, this organization has been at the forefront of our industry, encouraging women to not only make connections to build their businesses but also to share their journeys and grow alongside each other in meaningful ways that will last a lifetime. Sponsored by the California Association of Realtors (C.A.R.), this group of women from all over the country gather annually to connect, educate and grow their businesses.

Focusing on empowering women, the content and emerging leaders in WomenUP! are focused on making sure that women are having conversations about growing their careers and building the confidence they need to take their place at the “table” among top leaders in the real estate industry.

“Wavemakers” are women in the group who are leaders and role models that embody the mission of WomanUP!’s event, which is to tell the stories of modern women who are striving to make their mark in the world and to create tools and a toolbox for other women looking to do the same.

If you are looking for connections with ground-breaking experts and outside-of-the-box thinking, even reading the blog or podcast of this platform is a great place to start thinking about moving your business forward.

Check out some of the highlights from this year’s gathering from Inman’s Service Editor Dani Vanderboegh and contributor Bernice Ross.

Final thoughts

The hard truth is that no one will take care of your future if you don’t. The good news is that while it’s on you to figure out how to move forward, there are plenty of other women out there who are ready to support that journey. The first step is recognizing that you need to get activated; the next is connecting with the mentors who want to see you thrive.

Building prosperity and fortune into your business plan is just as important as prospecting for new business. With more financial education, you can bring a brighter future for your future self into focus.

Rachael Hite is a former agent, a business development specialist, fair housing advocate, copy editor, and is currently perfecting her long game selling forever homes in a retirement continuing care community in Northern Virginia. You can connect with her about life, marketing, and business on Instagram. 

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