Find out how this former yacht broker and her team create exceptional outcomes for their luxury clients through dedication, grit and caring.

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Name: Nancy Batchelor

Experience: 23+ years

Location: Miami Beach

Brokerage: Compass

Team: The Nancy Batchelor Team

Rankings: No. 1 Large Team Miami, No. 5 Large Team in Florida (by sales volume).

Team size: 12 agents

Transaction sides (2023): 158

Sales volume (2023): $204,213,076


  • Ranked No. 1 in Miami for transaction sides for a Large Team in 2024 by RealTrends (based on 2023 data)
  • Ranked No. 25 for sales volume in the Large Team category on the 2023 RealTrends + Tom Ferry The Thousand program showcasing the top 1,000 agents and teams in the U.S. 
  • Featured on the 2023 America’s Best list for exemplary sales production in 2022

What would you like readers to know about you and your team?

We’re experienced, conscientious and caring. We do more than just help you buy or sell a home; we act as a resource, an advisor and a friend.

The Nancy Batchelor Team has almost a century of combined experience, which means we have deep knowledge of the markets we serve. Our work ethic and our expertise has helped us to build trust and loyalty among our clients.

How did you get your start in real estate?

I’m from a real estate family, so you could say it’s in my DNA. My dad was a developer and attorney; my mother was an architect. They owned a Coldwell Banker franchise and an insurance agency. Together, they built 12 developments in Wisconsin. When I was growing up, I resented it because I spent my childhood on job sites and in tile stores, but it taught me a lot about real estate and design.

I moved to South Florida in the 1980s and became a yacht broker, founding Florida Yacht Charters and Sales. In dealing with a high net-worth clientele purchasing yachts, I met a lot of people who wanted waterfront condos, and I started doing a lot of referral business. There was a natural synergy between real estate and the yachting industry, so I got my real estate license in Miami.

I eventually moved to Aspen and worked for a brokerage there in marketing and as a showing assistant before making my way back to South Florida.

How did you choose your brokerage?

I wanted a high-touch, high-tech, agent-focused brokerage with cutting-edge marketing tools. Compass’s brick-and-mortar offices are also spectacular. They provide me with a lot of attention and education.

What do you wish more people knew about working in real estate?

It’s not as easy as it looks. There are more than 480 steps involved in every sale, from insurance inspections and appraisals to managing buyers’ expectations. Real estate isn’t just about jumping out of a Range Rover and showing pretty houses. You need a high energy level, a great deal of focus, confidence and strong organizational skills because you’re running your own business.

You have to be self-motivated and hungry enough to treat your work as a job and not a hobby. The cost of entry is low, and there is potential to make money, but there’s also no floor to how little you can make. To succeed, it takes hard work and hustle.

Tell us about a high point in your career

The sale of Villa Vecchia, an 18,000-square-foot waterfront estate on Pine Tree Drive in 2011 for $13 million, was one of my first big deals and a home I truly fell in love with. The historic property hosted dignitaries from Henry Kissinger to Margaret Thatcher and Bill Clinton.

What makes a good leader?

It starts with dedication and genuine concern for your team. You also need to establish a solid infrastructure for your organization, set clear goals and maintain high standards. Walk the talk: Be a role model for your team.

Being a top salesperson is not the same as being a top team leader. You have to be able to let go enough to delegate and trust your team, but you also need to be a good mentor who provides support, advice and encouragement.

You have to be willing to carve out time to help people. Our team motto is “We Listen. We Care. We Sell.” Those principles also apply to good leadership: You need to listen and genuinely care about your team members in order to help them become successful salespeople.

Email Christy Murdock

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