Discover how Eloy Carmenate and Mick Duchon, renowned for their extensive experience and success in the Miami Beach real estate market, seamlessly blend a passion for world-class design with a global client reach.

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Carmenate / Duchon has worked with some of Miami’s most prestigious, exclusive and architecturally significant residences and many of the world’s most discerning buyers. The team has represented the work of internationally known architects including Norman Foster and Herzog De Meuron. Learn how they unite a passion for world-class design with global client reach.

Name and title: Eloy Carmenate, broker associate, and Mick Duchon, sales associate

Experience: 40+ years

Location: Miami Beach

Team Name: Carmenate / Duchon at The Corcoran Group

Rankings: Top 1 percent of Corcoran agents worldwide

Sales volume: $350,000,000 since 2022


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How did you choose your current brokerage?

We selected our current brokerage because of the strong leadership, positive internal atmosphere and harmonious collaboration among agents both within the office and across the markets where Corcoran operates.

What do you wish more people knew about working in real estate?

Working in the real estate industry demands a great deal of ambition and patience. I frequently find myself working during the early morning, the evenings and on weekends. These are the times my clients are available to discuss finding the perfect home. It can be a challenging pursuit, but the gratification that comes with it makes it all worthwhile.

What makes a good leader?

A good leader consistently demonstrates effective listening skills and carefully observes the team dynamics in order to establish a conducive working environment that fosters productivity. Additionally, motivating team members is  important as it contributes to the collective growth of the team.

What’s your top tip for newly formed teams?

A top tip for newly formed teams is to emphasize each person’s strengths through an open and constructive conversation. This will inform others about what they need to work on and also create effective delegation processes. Additionally, maintaining open and frequent communication is crucial as it ensures that everyone is well-informed and capable of stepping in when necessary.

What’s one thing you wish every agent knew?

One thing I wish every agent knew is that being adversarial during a negotiation slows down the deal. It’s important to keep the best interest of your client in mind and work constructively to progress the deal. Our goals are aligned, so working together is important.

Email Christy Murdock

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