The apartment search tool allows users to view listings on Zumper by conversing with the ChatGPT-enabled integration.

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Zumper’s ChatGPT-enabled apartment search tool is now widely available, the company has announced in a May 30 blog post.

While previously only available to paid subscribers of ChatGPT, the tool can now be used by anyone with an OpenAI account.

The tool allows users to view listings on Zumper by conversing with the ChatGPT integration and telling it the types of apartments and characteristics of apartments it would like to see. For example, a user could input “Show me 3-bedroom apartments in Brooklyn, New York, with a backyard for under $5,000” and be shown any number of listings that fit that description.

Users can then further ask questions about individual listings and filter the results to show apartments only within certain smaller geographic areas or only those with certain features, such as hardwood floors or central air conditioning.

Users can get far more specific if they want, by asking about things like the nearest parks or schools, and asking the chatbot to weigh the pros and cons of each apartment.

Zumper is the latest listings portal to launch a ChatGPT-integrated tool. Redfin and Zillow both launched similar plugins at around the same time in May 2023; both allow users to employ conversational language about the type of apartment features they are looking for.

It is also Zumper’s latest embrace of artificial intelligence. The portal launched PowerLeads AI in 2021, which analyzes renter behaviors to predict the likelihood of a particular renter signing a lease for a specific apartment.

“Zumper’s commitment to integrating AI and ML technologies aims to revolutionize the property rental process, making it more personalized, efficient, and user-friendly than ever before,” the company said in its blog post.

Email Ben Verde

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