Looking for a quick catch-up on the buzziest stories of the week? Here’s Inman Top 5, the most essential stories, according to Inman readers.

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Looking for a quick catch-up on the buzziest stories of the week? Here’s Inman Top 5, the most essential stories, according to Inman readers.

And don’t miss The Download, our weekly column that breaks down one of the top stories of the week and equips you with what you’ll need to meet next Monday head-on.

Keller Williams retreats on profit sharing cuts for defecting agents

The cuts, initially approved last summer, were set to go into effect this July. But as of this spring, Keller Williams was facing multiple class action lawsuits over the changes.

Why buyer representation should matter so much to sellers

Managing broker and new Inman contributor Cassie Walker Johnson writes that in the evolving real estate market, investing in buyer agent compensation is a wise decision that benefits everyone involved.

NextHome CEO on the ‘stupidest’ part of the commission settlement

Jim Dalrymple II

James Dwiggins spoke at the inaugural Inman Connect Miami on Tuesday, arguing that clinging to the current status quo when it comes to commissions is a recipe for disaster.

7 reasons great real estate agents will always be needed

Now is the time to expand your skill set, broaden your knowledge and provide value at a higher level than you’ve ever provided, Jimmy Burgess writes, so that you won’t just survive, you’ll thrive.

What are you supposed to tell your clients now? The Download

In the face of so much rapid change and an often-frustrating lack of clarity from The Powers That Be, what the heck are you supposed to tell your buyers and sellers now?

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