RentSpree distributes its product to empower residential agents in their work with clients who may not yet be ready to buy, and to provide them software advantages to offer investor clients or to use in their own rental portfolios.

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The Houston Association of Realtors (HAR) is the latest MLS to offer to its members software from RentSpree to help sales agents work with renters. This is the third such partnership the ApplyLink creator has announced in as many weeks.

The partnership was announced in a May 23 press release. The second-largest MLS in the Lone Star State, HAR has 48,000 members and a reputation for pursuing innovation in the space. It’s also the eighth-largest MLS in the country, according to the release.

RentSpree distributes its product to empower residential agents in their work with clients who may not yet be ready to buy, and to provide them software advantages to offer investor clients or to use in their own rental portfolios.

Mario Arriaga, chair of the HAR MLS, said in a statement that with renting as competitive as it is, ensuring a smooth leasing process is ever more critical.

“This partnership equips our subscribers with the technology they need to find qualified renters quickly and efficiently, while offering tenants a seamless and secure application experience,” Arriaga said.

Rentals in the single-family sector are up more than 27 percent in the Houston region, according to HAR rental data. The current number of rental homes stands at 5,403.

“Leased listings also rose by 3.8 percent, totaling 3,762, while the average lease price climbed 3.1 percent to $2,285,” the release stated.

RentSpree’s ApplyLink is a portal to engage lease applicants and track their progress through the cycle of occupancy, assisting the agent in screening and communications with all parties and, generally, shrinking a number of critical business tasks at the core of finding and securing a tenant. It also integrates directly with any existing tools HAR members may be using to support operations.

RentSpree announced partnerships with REColorado and in May. The HAR partnership brings its MLS provider count to more than 60.

“Teaming up with HAR is of great significance to us as it helps expand our services in the pivotal Texas rental markets,” said Michael Lucarelli, CEO and co-founder of RentSpree, in a statement. “Our integration not only streamlines rental processes for HAR members but also plays an important role in enhancing efficiency for agents, applicants and owners within these key regions.”

HAR has been embracing the importance of sharing real estate market data and listing availability with its market’s consumers for more than two decades. Even as far back as 2013, Inman reported, “The consumer-facing listing portal operated by the Houston Association of Realtors since 1997,, has generated 4.7 million leads for HAR members and facilitated 1 million home sales valued at $190 billion to date.”

HAR still publishes a detailed list of monthly and yearly website and app statistics, available here.

Email Craig Rowe

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