Nimble, a software company that specializes in customer relationship management for “soloprenuers” and small business teams, has shipped a new feature to its customer accounts — email sequencing.

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Nimble, a software company that specializes in customer relationship management for “soloprenuers” and small business teams, has shipped a new feature to its customer accounts — email sequencing.

In a May 23 press release, the company said the new feature is aimed at long-term lead nurture and relationship building.

Email sequences are automated responses that can be based on specific dates and times, responses to previous messages, actions contacts take on a website or a link within a message. They offer the advantage of rapid, relevant follow-up for new leads and existing customers, and have become a critical component to marketing plans across the real estate space.

Users can create a number of templates for a range of response scenarios, so custom messaging is always armed and ready, critical in a real estate market where buyers are hard to come by and sellers are demanding.

In the press release, Nimble CEO Jon Ferrara emphasized the time savings and productivity enhancements email sequences provide.

“By streamlining key operations like LinkedIn prospecting through automated follow-up emails, it not only conserves time but also enriches interaction quality,” he said. “This innovation boosts productivity, enhances lead management and fosters meaningful customer interactions, enabling our clients to expand their outreach efficiently and effectively.”

Nimble’s email builders enable quick segmentation, too, ideal for agents who need to parse buyers based on budget levels, or when prospecting sellers in different communities. They can also be used for cold outreach with new email addresses, allowing different automated follow-ups for unique reactions to the initial message, and also offer an ideal method to re-engage contacts who have gone silent.

Responses are linked to each message sent and collectively used as business intelligence for the life of that contact, recorded and integrated into the CRM.

“Nimble automatically stores all interactions with prospects, including emails, calls and meetings, which aids in personalizing communications and improving response rates,” the release stated.

In April, Nimble announced a partnership with PhoneBurner, a “power-dialing” system. The partnership will specifically benefit prospecting efforts, which rely on consistent and often high-paced outreach.

Power dialers are effective ways to reach a lot of people in little time, and do so in an organized way, enabling timestamps, database updates and voicemail drops. The dialer also eliminates the dead air at the start of a call, reducing the rate of immediate hang-ups. The press release stated that PhoneBurner can help people reach up to 80 people per hour via voice.

Nimble has been serving the real estate space for more than a decade and was first reviewed by Inman in 2012, then again in 2015.

Email Craig Rowe

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