It is crucial to put together the right team to keep growth going strong in today’s real estate world. Here’s how The Agency’s Tara Scholl-Gettles did it.

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Booming growth isn’t just about strong sales and negotiation skills. It really does take a village. In all businesses, there are those in front of the curtain, but it’s behind the curtain where most of the magic happens. Trying to grow a business in a challenging market means that your village is more important than ever.

As someone who has navigated the real estate industry for over three decades, I’ve learned that building the right team is pivotal for sustained success and growth. Here are my big three for assembling a solid and successful team that drives positive results and growth.

Leadership: It all begins and ends with you

As a leader, your primary goal is to foster a productive team with a growth mindset. Provide your team with a clear understanding of the company’s vision and goals, along with their role in achieving them. Regularly communicate these objectives and ensure alignment at all levels.

Implement systems to track and measure key performance indicators (KPIs). Regular meetings provide a platform for accountability and support. Offer the necessary resources and structure to empower your team to excel in their roles. 

Takeaway: Foster a culture where team members feel empowered to pivot, innovate, and solve problems autonomously. Encourage participation in shaping and evolving strategies, fostering a sense of ownership and investment.

Skillset diversity: Embracing differences makes a super team

You can’t be everything to everyone, and having a diverse group of subject matter experts helps provide your customers with the service and support they need. A diverse team brings a range of perspectives and experiences, enhancing the ability to cater to diverse customer needs effectively. 

Takeaway: Encourage collaboration among team members with varied skill sets. This fosters strong relationships, learning opportunities, and cross-functional development. Diverse teams are more adaptable and innovative, capable of addressing challenges from multiple angles and driving continuous improvement.

Effective communication and relationships: The key to success

Paul J. Meyer’s words resonate deeply: “Communication — the human connection — is the key to personal and career success.” Here’s why effective communication matters: At its core, business is about relationships. Effective communication builds trust and respect, laying the foundation for fruitful partnerships and collaboration. 

Takeaway: Clear communication channels facilitate constructive conflict resolution, ensuring that challenges are addressed promptly and amicably.

Strong communication fosters cohesion within the team, aligning efforts towards common goals and driving collective success. It is crucial to put together the right team to keep growth going strong in today’s business world. Throughout my experience in real estate, I’ve seen firsthand how having a tight-knit team can really make magic happen.

With our team, we’ve seen sales rise, more deals closed, and a greater number of salespeople onboarded smoothly, proving that this way of building teams works. By giving everyone on your team a sense of purpose, embracing different talents, and making sure everyone’s on the same page, you set your business up for success.

In the end, it’s about having a team that’s got each other’s backs and is all in. That’s what really makes the difference when it comes to keeping your business growing strong.

Tara Scholl-Gettles joined The Agency in August 2020 as SVP of Franchise Operations. Connect with her on Instagram and Linkedin.

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