Caballero sold 7,012 homes totaling $3.638 billion in volume at an average of more than 19 individual homes every day of the year.

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Texas agent Ben Caballero, who has consistently broken records and landed atop industry lists throughout his long career, has set a new record for annual home sales in the United States.

In 2023, Caballero sold 7,012 homes totaling $3.638 billion at an average of more than 19 individual homes every day of the year. Caballero is the CEO of and makes most of his sales by working directly with homebuilders in Texas cities.

“I have been blessed for more than six decades to work in the best business in the greatest state in the world,” Caballero, 83, said in a statement. “Texas is the best market for new homes in the U.S. year-in and year-out. Clearly, becoming a Texan is one of the best decisions I ever made.”

Cabellero first became a Guinness World Records holder for most annual home sale transactions through MLS by an individual sell-side agent in 2016 when he hit 3,556 verified home sales. He broke that record in 2018 with 5,801 home sales and again in 2020 with 6,438 home sales.

Now, 2023 marks the second straight year Caballer0 surpassed the $3 billion home sale mark, after hitting $3.06 billion in 2022. Caballero was the first agent ever to conduct more than $1 billion in sales volume, a feat he first accomplished in 2015.

Caballero has topped the Real Trends 1000 list every year since 2013, often beating out the second-place follower by a considerable margin.

Caballero became a Realtor when he was 21 and worked as a homebuilder for 18 years. He moved to Dallas from the Tampa area in 1960 and has lived there and based his business out of there since then.

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