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Even with an arsenal of digital tools and cutting-edge technology, innovation remains the coin of the realm for real estate professionals in today’s market.

That’s why, for nearly three decades, real estate’s sharpest minds have eagerly anticipated the annual Inman Innovator Awards and the recognition it bestows on new ideas, emerging technology and the individuals spearheading change.


Now in its 27th year, the Inman Innovator Awards honors individuals, companies and new technology driving the future of real estate. But the May 31 deadline for nominating innovators is rapidly approaching, so act fast.

If you, or someone you know, is an:

  • Entrepreneur pushing the old ways aside,
  • Data scientist discovering new ways to examine behavior,
  • Marketer reimagining how to showcase properties,
  • Agent reinventing how to communicate with clients,
  • Company building advanced technologies,
  • Brokerage or team creating groundbreaking business models,
  • Or other innovator poised to propel the real estate industry forward,

The Innovator Awards are your opportunity for recognition, honoring change-makers turning ideas into reality and driving the industry into the future.

Nominations are currently open, and you can nominate yourself — or shine a light on someone else — in the following categories:

  • Innovator of the Year (individual or individuals)
  • Company of the Year
  • Most Innovative Agent
  • Most Innovative Team
  • Most Innovative Brokerage
  • Most Innovative Marketing or Branding Campaign
  • Most Innovative Marketing Solution
  • Most Innovative Lead Servicing Solution
  • Most Innovative Client Experience Solution
  • Most Innovative Application of AI
  • Most Innovative Use of Video
  • Most Innovative Industry Podcast
  • Most Innovative Organization (MLS, Association, Industry)

Celebrate the thinkers, creators and leaders redefining what it means to be at the vanguard of real estate. Winners will be honored at Inman Connect Last Vegas this summer. Join us and cheer on tomorrow’s innovators today.

Submit your nominations here.

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