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Red flag: The average brokerage is using 20+ technology tools

It’s not the obvious issue of talent on your team or the squeaky wheel of alarming market shifts. It’s much quieter. It’s the myriad of tech solutions and their overlap, causing time-sucks and frustration, but you continue to pay for it (on auto-renew). This kind of tech stack stifles productivity, creates data silos, puts out a bad experience for your clients and consumers, and mercilessly beats down your bottom line. 

“According to T3 Sixty’s research in 2020, the average brokerage used 12.4 technology tools, said Travis Saxton, EVP of Technology at T3 Sixty. “In the past three years, with socioeconomic factors contributing to some changes, this number has increased to 20.4 technology solutions. Of which 5.3 of those tools are more communication and project management focused like Slack, Dropbox, Asana and of course, Zoom. This still leaves three more real estate-specific tools added in the past three years. We do not believe this is sustainable, and consolidation plus strategic repositioning is necessary in real estate.” 

The good news? It’s not a people problem, it’s not a market problem, it’s a tech problem, and it’s totally in your control. While changing solutions may seem overwhelming and disruptive to your business operations, partnering with the right technology company will simplify and expedite the transition, ensuring you have all the resources you need, the proven best practices, and the committed guidance and support for both short and long-term success. 

What will you see in return? Let’s look at the results and wins that brokerages experience by consolidating their disparate technology tools into one, seamless and integrated platform, like kvCORE.   

Partnering with Inside Real Estate to create a modern tech ecosystem has been the strategy that slashes costs and drives success for top-performing teams and brokerages across the US and Canada. How much can you save by consolidating your myriad of tech tools into one complete platform with kvCORE?  Take the quiz and find out!  

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