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Why top performers are using Opendoor for Agents

If you’ve felt the weight of soaring prices while navigating the housing market, you are not alone. In fact, 70% of the buyers and sellers in today’s market would agree with us about inflated prices — 93% might even use the term ‘overpriced’ to describe the current conditions1. If we add fluctuating closing dates, concessions, inspection fees, and home warranty policy to the price, it makes sense why sellers and buyers might opt to postpone their move altogether.

Countless studies of the current housing market suggest interest rates are the number one cause for concern when moving is involved2. Inflation is worrisome, and according to the data, it shows in consumer sentiment.

An unprecedented 60% of buyers and sellers expect the economy to struggle this year. Is this a bad sign? Not entirely. Despite the rising interest rates, home affordability, and weak economy, market clearance is pegged at 3% — which is still a healthier market than 2019. That was a year we saw increases in new construction, housing prices, and affordability. So, what exactly does it mean for you as an agent in today’s housing market? Clients still need to move due to jobs, military service, health issues, family, downsizing, and more, but they also deserve simplicity and certainty with their move– no matter the market conditions.

Enter Opendoor for Agents, a partnership that helps agents like you and your clients improve the buying and/or selling experience. Today, 87% of sellers say they want to be certain an offer won’t fall through, but 18% of home sales do. Additionally, 74% of sellers want to sell as quickly as possible, while 58% say receiving a cash offer is important. Opendoor is the missing link in that equation—creating simple and certain cash transactions.

Agents are at the heart of the real estate transaction process. Clients look to your expertise and guidance when making some of the biggest decisions of their lives. So, try Opendoor for Agents today as an option to show your clients you are up to date on everything the real estate market has to offer.

Plus, as an agent, there is a dedicated Agent Access program to earn additional commissions and bonuses. Enjoy rewards when you refer or represent clients in a transaction. It’s a win-win for everyone involved: you grow your business, and clients get to work with their trusted real estate advisor.

“Opendoor is a great tool in an agent’s tool belt. Being a fiduciary means using every tool to meet your client’s needs.” – Andi Blackwell, Broker

At a time when businesses are going digital for everyone’s convenience, why not take advantage of online real estate, too? Get started today at

1.Arora, Amit. “Sell Your Home the Minute You’re Ready.” Opendoor, 10 May 2023,

2.How Higher Prices Have Changed Housing Costs, Consumer Spending Plans.” Freddie Mac, 22 Aug. 2022,