
Here are your biggest rookie mistakes ever: Pulse

One year following the launch of Inman’s The Basics newsletter, our weekly dispatch of must-reads for new agents, we’ll spend the month of August digging deeper into what it takes to survive against the odds as a new agent in a tough market.

Being the new kid — whether you’re in the classroom or at the office — is rarely fun. There’s so much to learn, from names to processes and procedures. While you want to put your best foot forward, it’s almost inevitable that at some point you’ll say or do the wrong thing and end up feeling totally embarassed.

Listen, there’s nothing to feel bad about. We’ve all done it. So we wanted to know: What was your biggest rookie mistake ever? Did you over-promise or under-deliver (or both)? Did you screw up a contract or lose a valued client? Were you carried away by your enthusiasm or did you fail to act boldly enough? Most importantly, what did you learn in the process?

Now it’s your turn! Tell us about your rookie mistakes in the comments.