
Readers weigh in on the (ongoing) door-knocking debate

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Door-knocking has been making headlines lately, and not for great reasons. Opinions on the dangers associated with door-knocking — with gun violence on the rise and tragic gun-related incidents — have gained some momentum with their calls to end the practice. 

Some agents seem to agree on this and say it’s time to stop door-knocking, while others disagree. 

Naturally, Inman turned to our readers to see what real estate agents working in the industry think. In an Instagram post in April, we polled our audience about what they thought about door-knocking and if the practice should be retired. We got mixed feelings from those in favor of the practice still and those who aren’t a fan of knocking on doors.

Here are the results.

Some responses have been edited for length and clarity.

The question: With gun-related deaths on the rise, do you think door-knocking should be retired?

In favor of continuing door-knocking with caution.

In favor of discontinuing door-knocking

Other feedback 

You can read all of the responses on Inman’s Instagram page and add your own thoughts on door-knocking. 

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Jessi Healey is a freelance writer and social media manager specializing in real estate. Find her on Instagram or LinkedIn.