
Mastering delegation: What to do when you can’t do it all

As I’ve ascended the ranks in the real estate industry and taken on various leadership positions, the art of delegation has been a challenge and a fruitful learning experience. If you’re running a brokerage, you’ll quickly learn that you can’t do it all.

Nor should you — you want every seat on the bus filled with the right people who are experts in their respective fields. You’ll need to know how to delegate (and how to do it well) if you want operations to run smoothly. 

I wasn’t always good at delegation, but it’s a skillset  I’ve intentionally worked on. By sharing the load and empowering others, The Agency has benefited in impactful ways that have empowered our team, fostered more innovative ideas and contributed to our consistent ranking as one of the top luxury brokerages in the country. Here are 10 key steps to success.

Recognize the importance of delegation

I have to consciously remind myself that delegation is good for all. It’s not merely about offloading tasks. It is a strategic process that frees up time for leaders to focus on high-level responsibilities while developing their teams, and it allows others to learn, grow and be challenged.

By delegating effectively, real estate leaders can foster growth, improve team morale and achieve greater efficiency. It’s a win-win for all. 

Assess task appropriateness

Before delegating a task, evaluate its complexity, urgency and alignment with your team members’ skills. Question your task list. Are you really the best person to do everything on the list? Are there others who can bring a fresh perspective, additional information, or a more creative approach?

Certain responsibilities may require your direct attention, while others can be effectively delegated. Identifying suitable tasks for delegation ensures efficient workflow management and the best results.

Know your team

Understanding your team members’ strengths, weaknesses and interests is key to successful delegation. Recognize their capabilities as well as areas they want to grow in and match tasks accordingly. Delegate responsibilities that align with their expertise, provide growth opportunities and challenge them to excel.

Set clear expectations

To ensure smooth execution, clearly communicate your expectations regarding deadlines, quality standards and desired outcomes. By providing specific instructions and objectives, leaders can avoid misunderstandings and enable team members to deliver their best work.

Remember that we all learn differently, and to present the information in written and verbal forms for ultimate clarity. If you can provide any visuals or hands-on learning experiences, do so if there is an opportunity!

Empower and provide resources

Effective delegation involves empowering team members with authority and autonomy to make decisions within their assigned tasks. Additionally, provide the necessary resources, such as information, tools and training, to enable their success. This fosters a sense of ownership and accountability. You want to set them up for success with everything they need to run with the task in their own way. 

Establish regular check-ins

Maintain open lines of communication by scheduling regular check-ins with team members. These meetings offer opportunities to provide guidance, address questions or concerns and provide feedback on progress. They can be short and sweet or more lengthy and with stakeholders involved, depending on the task. No matter big or small, ongoing support ensures that tasks stay on track and goals are achieved.

Encourage collaboration

Delegation is not a one-way street. Creating a collaborative environment where team members can contribute ideas, share knowledge and support one another is a sign of a healthy culture and almost always produces the best results.

Monitor and evaluate performance

Once you delegate, don’t disappear. It’s essential to monitor the task and evaluate the performance of your team members. Regularly review progress, provide constructive feedback and recognize achievements. This helps identify areas for improvement, creates valuable relationships and promotes a culture of continuous learning and growth.

Learn from delegation experiences

Adapting and refining your delegation approach based on lessons learned will enhance your leadership skills over time. I like to close a project by having a debriefing meeting where we candidly discuss what worked well and what could be improved over the course of the process. I’ve gleaned some of my best insights from these meetings. It’s also a great time to share your own feedback and recognize team members for their contributions.

Delegate with confidence

Confidence in delegation is built through practice and trust in your team. Believe in your team members’ abilities and give them the opportunity to share their talents. By delegating with confidence, you can create a positive work environment that fosters growth and elevates team performance.

Mastering the art of delegation is a critical skill for leaders ascending the ranks in the real estate industry. By recognizing its significance, understanding team dynamics and employing effective strategies, leaders can delegate tasks strategically, empower their team members and drive organizational success.

Embrace delegation as a powerful tool, and watch your leadership influence soar as you navigate the real estate industry with confidence.

Rainy Hake Austin is President of The Agency in Los Angeles. Connect with her on Instagram.