
Elevate your brand: Unleashing potential in luxury markets

Inman Access is here to deliver new information straight from industry experts to help increase your knowledge and grow your business. Today’s class is a how-to guide for breaking into the luxury market and what agents should prioritize to thrive in that space.

How To Break Into The Luxury Market

The luxury market is a highly competitive space, but not an unattainable one. President and CEO of NAN & Co. Properties, Nancy Almodovar, sits down to discuss best practices on the expansion to luxury properties and marketing to luxury clients.

Some of Almodovar‘s strategies for success include developing a strong and clear personal brand, knowing your demographic and audience, being strategic in your marketing efforts, attending networking events and more.

Join Inman Access to watch the video above for takeaways on how to navigate the high-end market and grow your business to land luxury listings.

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